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August 25, 2018

Angel Yin

Regina Saskatchewan, Canada

Q. How do you feel? You're one stroke off the lead going into the final round.
ANGEL YIN: Yeah, I feel good. My last two holes weren't that great. Greens obviously got really fast. I felt like I hit it pretty good at 17, but it flew past the hole, and then I wasn't able to make the putt coming back. But overall my game was good. It was really cold. It was windy. The greens were extremely fast. I mean, I think I grinded it out pretty well today.

Q. How did it compare to yesterday?
ANGEL YIN: What do you mean?

Q. As far as the conditions.
ANGEL YIN: Well, it was hotter yesterday, and it wasn't as cold. So my muscles were working. And the greens were fast but not as fast as today. Today I struggled. I had two three-putts today because the greens were just ridiculously fast.

Q. Do you feel with Brooke being the crowd favorite, do you almost feel like you're almost wearing the black here, like you're the bad guy?
ANGEL YIN: I mean, the crowd is great here, so I don't feel that. There are people out here cheering me on. Of course they were cheering Brooke on, but I don't want to get thrown -- get them thrown out of the country for cheering for me.

Q. Is it something you're going to look forward to tomorrow?
ANGEL YIN: Yeah, the crowd is great. I mean, it's great to see all these people come out to support women's golf.

Q. What was going through your mind on 17 green?
ANGEL YIN: 17 or 18?

Q. 17.
ANGEL YIN: Nothing. I just wanted to make my eagle putt because I had a great second shot in, and I didn't expect what had happened to happen.

Q. How did you correct your course after the first couple holes?
ANGEL YIN: I kind of hit it softer but not soft enough, obviously. But you kind of adjust to it. You kind of just mold yourself into the playing conditions, the wind and everything.

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