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July 20, 2018

Josh Teater

Nicholasville, Kentucky

Q. Great playing. How does it feel to be a rock star here? Got to feel pretty good about your golf right now. You got it in just before the siren.
JOSH TEATER: Yeah, luckily tapped in that one-footer. Yeah, it's great being here. It's home. To play good, it was everybody kind of pushing me on.

Got a little stale there in the middle. Didn't make any putts but had plenty of looks. Hopefully we get 36 more tries.

Q. Well, you spoke earlier in the week; someone saying, 30th on the Web and you're here. What was that quote? Is it the same one I heard?
JOSH TEATER: Not sure what I said.

Q. I heard, This is my Open Championship.
JOSH TEATER: Yeah, I mean, this is kind of my major. Has been since they announced it, you know. Top 25 on the Web does get you on the TOUR, but a win here also does. That's what we're shooting for.

I wouldn't miss it unless I was across the pond.

Q. Just talk about the round.
JOSH TEATER: You know, it was solid. Kind of a lot like yesterday. Had a lot of looks, awesome putts go in early, and got hot. Wish I could have made a few more in the middle, but got one there on 17 coming in; just short on 18.

All in all, good day. Kind of low stress. When you're hitting greens and rolling it up there to tap-ins, that's the easiest way to play this game.

Q. You had the troops on 18. That had to be a great way to finish a great round, right, seeing all your buddies?
JOSH TEATER: Yeah, for sure. You know, just to be here and kind of get momentum from all of them, I kind of feed off it. It was great.

Q. How happy were you to get through before the horn?
JOSH TEATER: It was huge. I saw kind of the note on the scoreboard, and I didn't even really think about it when I had that one-footer to tap in. Sometimes you'll mark them; sometimes you won't, but I'm glad I tapped it in.

I can rest the rest of the day.

Q. How juiced were you after your eagle on 5?
JOSH TEATER: You know, pretty juiced. It was a pretty simple putt. Didn't really even see it not going in. The next shot, to hit a really good slot on the next hole and give myself another chance was huge, too.

Q. What did you hit into 5? It's a hard green.
JOSH TEATER: Today I had I think it was 226; hit my 4-hybrid.

Q. Did this morning's rain affect turf condition at all, play at all?
JOSH TEATER: Not really. You couldn't really tell it rained much. I didn't really see much mud again today. Hopefully this thing will go north again and we can skirt it.

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