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July 3, 2018
Wimbledon, London, England
6-2, 7-5
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. (Question about how the atmosphere was.)
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I think the atmosphere was good. I know I was playing a British player. I think the crowd was very fair, very equal. It's always good to go out there. I think it's one of the most beautiful courts. I think it was a good match. I'm pleased with how the match went.
I know she's kind of a different player. Never easy to face those opponents that, you know, play a little bit different. I'm happy about that.
Q. You seem to have played your best tennis in the European summer. Do you think that's a surface thing? Won French and Wimbledon, but not such great results at the other slams. Why do you think that is?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I'm really not sure why it is. I think the fact that it's different surfaces, I'm sure it helps. I enjoy playing in different. It's not only on hard, like the most part of the year.
Maybe has to do with that.
Q. It's often said that winning Wimbledon changes your life. Has it changed yours?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: For sure. Maybe I don't know what specifically. I think as a tennis player, when you win Wimbledon, I think it's winning the best tournament. I don't know, your mind is, like, I won Wimbledon, priceless. Of course, it's a Grand Slam.
Yeah, the repercussion of winning Wimbledon has a big impact.
Q. Does it make you feel different?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I don't feel different. I do feel more confident knowing that I won Wimbledon. It's a Grand Slam. It's a grass court. It gives you this extra thing that not everybody can live that.
Q. You have the experience of defending one Grand Slam at the French. Was it different nerves-wise today to come on the Centre Court defending this Wimbledon title?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: The nerves are never going to go away. Even if you don't defend, you're always nervous. The first round, big tournament. I really learn a different perspective, you know, to not worry for no reason. I just go out there and play. To think a lot about it is not necessary.
That's the few things I've learned from French Open.
Q. I think you practiced with Van Uytvanck, who you are going to play next round. Have you ever seen her play outside of this practice session?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Yeah, I practice in French Open with her.
I played against her, but a long time ago. I think she's a very talented player. I think she actually likes grass. Like all the matches in this surface, it's a little bit unpredictable. I'm looking forward to keep what I'm working on, feeling prepared.
Q. What do you remember of her? What struck you when you practiced with her? Did you say maybe the backhand?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: The first thing I noticed is she is very talented. She has great shots. I think she has a very good serve. Yeah, great shots. That in grass is always difficult to deal with. She won today pretty comfortable in the paper. So, yeah, it's going to be good.
Q. Who is your favorite Belgian player?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Belgium? I have to decide. I mean, favorite, I don't know. But I did watch more Clijsters. I don't know for what reason, but I watched her. Yeah, I mean, maybe that's the answer.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
