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July 4, 2018

Katie Boulter

Katie Swan

Wimbledon, London, England


6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Can you just give us a line each about your doubles match, how you felt it went and where it got away from you?
KATIE BOULTER: I thought it was really difficult. They're top players. We tried to put our games on the court, and it was very difficult to play against those girls with that caliber.

You know, myself, I'm feeling a little tired, so I felt it was hard for me to bring energy to the match. But, you know, we can play really well together and it was tough out there today.

KATIE SWAN: Yeah, I agree. I mean, we did our best. That was the main thing. They are top players, and they are more experienced than us in doubles. Neither of us have played much doubles in our careers. We do play well together, and I think we had a really tough draw, and, yeah, we did our best. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

Hopefully we can gain more experience like that.

Q. Obviously you're fairly similar age and similar stage in your career. How important is it to carry on and keep playing doubles together and maintain that togetherness and team spirit you also get with Fed Cup and what have you?
KATIE SWAN: Yeah, it would be great if we get to play together at Fed Cup. That would be really cool.

I personally enjoy playing with you. I hope you feel the same.

Yeah, that kind of makes it easier to play well if you have good chemistry with your partner and I think we do. We just need to have more experience together.

Q. The fatigue, is that a concern for tomorrow?
KATIE BOULTER: No, I'll be ready to go by tomorrow. I just need to get a good night's sleep and do all the recovery I need to do.

Q. Do you feel much pressure now that the eyes of the country are on you?
KATIE BOULTER: No, I don't feel any pressure. I'm the underdog. I'm just going to go out there and enjoy every second of it and use the experience to the best that I can.

Q. What do you do in terms of preparation for an opponent? Do you study an opponent in terms of videos and stuff like that?
KATIE BOULTER: My team would have gone through that, and I will be speaking to them about it tomorrow ahead of the match. Yeah, I think I'm ready to get going tomorrow.

Q. What do you need to do differently to the last time you played her, which was a tough day?
KATIE BOULTER: I think that's something I'm going to discuss with my team later and I will go from there and I'll try and play my game and bring a lot of energy to the court.

Q. What about mentally? What will you sort of do tonight, recalibrate your mind?
KATIE BOULTER: I'm going to relax tonight, prepare myself to the best of my abilities to go ahead and get ready for tomorrow.

Q. Do you think it helps having played her before recently?
KATIE BOULTER: Yes, definitely. It's a really good experience, and it set me up nicely for playing in Southsea. And, yeah, I think it's going to be a challenge tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.

Q. What advice would you give to Katie about what it's like to come out and having won your first Wimbledon singles match and then to be playing in the second one and the kind of feelings you go through, whether you feel more expectation, whether more expectations of yourself to have to go out and try and back up that first result?
KATIE SWAN: Well, it would help if you don't lose the first set 6-Love. That would be a good start (laughter).

KATIE BOULTER: I'll try, I'll try.

KATIE SWAN: Yeah, I mean, I played a really tough opponent today so it was difficult. It was really nice to be on Court 3 and have all the support behind me. Yeah, I mean, Katie is playing a great player tomorrow and she's got no pressure. I'd say just go out and enjoy it and swing freely.

At the same time go in with the belief that you can win, because, you know, I don't think we're too far off these girls even if we don't win at the moment. I think we are just gaining experience all the time. You never know.

Q. Will you stay around and watch her tomorrow?
KATIE SWAN: I'm planning on it.

Q. Cheer her on?
KATIE SWAN: If she invites me in her box.

Q. Obviously there is a bit of a feel-good factor, sporting feel-good factor with England. Do you feel people can surf on that, crowd are excited at the moment?
KATIE BOULTER: Yeah, I think so. I'm going to bring it back to something that was at home, but when Leicester won the Premier League I feel like everyone had a massive lift in the city, and I feel like I was one of those people. It was a little bit of magic and hopefully I can do something out there tomorrow.

Q. Did you go and watch them?
KATIE BOULTER: I did go watch them. I'm a big supporter.

Q. You haven't got a season ticket, do you?
KATIE BOULTER: I do not, no.

Q. Leicester is a sporting city everyone supports each other. Have you had any good messages from any of the football or rugby clubs?
KATIE BOULTER: I have had some lovely messages from a lot of people from Leicester. I'm always proud to support the Foxes.

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