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July 13, 2018

Brooke Henderson

Toledo, Ohio

Q. Birdie-birdie on 17 and 18; how big was that to finish this way and have the lead going into the weekend?
BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, I started really strong today, 3-under through the first nine holes, and then I kind of went through a lull. I was just kind of making pars most of the back nine, but I knew I had two par-5s left on 17 and 18 and was trying to make birdie there, and fortunately I was able to hit great shots and make two birdies.

Q. We heard so much about the course firming up in the afternoon. Why or how were you able to take advantage?
BROOKE HENDERSON: It was definitely a big adjustment from yesterday's round that we played in the morning. The wind was a little bit stronger and really things were drying out very quickly, so we just tried to pay attention to the other people in our group, the releases, and Brit and I did a pretty good job of just kind of guessing our way around.

Q. You'll be in that final group tomorrow; what will your approach be going into the weekend?
BROOKE HENDERSON: Just keep doing what I'm doing, 4-under and then 5-under today, those are solid golf scores, and I feel like I'm hitting the ball in really good places and giving myself a lot of great birdie opportunities, so hopefully just continue that over the next few days.

Q. How comfortable are you being the one that's being chased up there?
BROOKE HENDERSON: I like it. It doesn't really bother me too much. You know, it's just fun to be in contention again and to see your name at the top of the leaderboard, it's exciting, and hopefully good things will happen.

Q. You are 9-under through two rounds here at the Marathon Classic, and it looks like you're in pretty good spirits. How did it go today?
BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was fun. To go 3-under through the first nine holes, I felt like I was in a good place, and then I kind of made a lot of pars on the back nine. To finish birdie-birdie was really important, and it's fun to see your name at the top, and hopefully I can just continue to give myself a lot of birdie opportunities out here over the weekend.

Q. We talked to a lot of players, and they talked about the wind direction changing, the course firming up. Did it spin a lot faster than expected?
BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, it was a big adjustment from yesterday's round that we played in the morning to today in the late afternoon, but I feel like Brit and I did a great job of moving ourselves around the golf course and adjusting to different releases and hitting different shots off different tees.

Q. What was the most challenging aspect of today's round?
BROOKE HENDERSON: I think that it was just firm, and it's pretty hot out here, too, for a Canadian, so just kind of adjusting to that. But it was a lot of fun, and just hopefully keep it going.

Q. Heading into tomorrow's round, what are you going to do to prepare yourself?
BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, I'm excited to be in the final group. I haven't been in one of those in a couple weeks, I guess, and it's just a really fun feeling. It's a great golf course here, and just hopefully give myself a lot of great looks at birdie and hopefully make them.

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