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July 7, 2018

Kevin Na

White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

Q. Round of 65 for you today; how do you feel about that position now, now that you have a chance to get a title again on a Sunday?
KEVIN NA: As of now, I think I'm three back. Golf course is getting a lot more difficult. The greens are getting firm and crusty, and they're getting quick, too. You know what, I think a few under means something compared to the first two days, and I think I'm in a good position to maybe go low tomorrow and give it a shot.

Q. The par-5 12th has been reachable for plenty of players.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, big drive, I hit 5-iron here and this was a quick one and I barely got it started and it went all the way, and those eagles are a bonus.

Q. The par save at 14, how big was that moment?
KEVIN NA: Oh, it was huge. I wasn't even trying to make it really. I was thinking a bogey is okay, and halfway there I go, oh, my God, this is going on. I was telling Kenny, that was luck.

Q. Any thoughts on a number maybe for tomorrow, what might get it done?
KEVIN NA: You know, depending on what Kelly Kraft does, I know he's looking for his first win. He's a great player. There's going to be some heat on him tomorrow. I think if I throw up another 65 and sit in the clubhouse, I think I've got a chance.

Q. And in terms of the game, clearly looks like tee to green, looks like you're pretty happy with it?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I've been striking the ball pretty well, and the putter has been working this week.

Q. Great playing today, I love the smile, you're playing some solid golf and being consistent. I know there was a little downtime for you that wasn't Kevin Na golf. What's been the turnaround?
KEVIN NA: I started hitting draws again. Early in the season I made some swing changes with Drew Steckel. We knew they were some good changes, but my ball flight started changing. We went back to somewhat of the old swing. It was probably a combination, and then trying to hit more draws, and I feel comfortable when I see a draw. That's been the key to my good ball-striking. This week the putter has been working.

Q. Let's talk about the greens because this is not the same set of greens you played yesterday. Oh, my goodness.
KEVIN NA: My gosh, yesterday morning it was soft. You were throwing darts at the flag. Today I was hitting middle irons thinking about landing it 70 paces short of the flag. When you're in the rough -- I landed one with a pitching wedge 15 paces short of the flag and rolled it over the green. It's just totally different.

Q. I told these guys this morning, these poor rookies have got no idea what's going to happen. You've got to be a veteran because this golf course changed overnight. That doesn't happen very often where they've been playing.
KEVIN NA: No, it doesn't happen. But I was really surprised to walk on the putting green today, and I felt it, and sure enough, I played the first couple holes and I knew that these greens were going to get firmer as the day goes on. I'll tell you what, it makes it a little better for the veterans.

Q. Seven winners, no one has won from the top, they've always come from behind. That's a good thought, isn't it?
KEVIN NA: That is a good thought. I think if I play the way I've been playing, throw another 65 in, we'll see what happens.

Q. The course obviously is so different because it firmed up, the greens were a lot different looking. Tell us how different it played from round 1, 2 to 3.
KEVIN NA: I mean, yesterday I played in the morning and you were throwing darts at the flag. You could get to any pin. Today you have to be in the fairway. I was playing shots, short irons were releasing two to three yards and mid irons six to seven yards. Totally different golf course today. I thought the greens were at least a foot to foot and a half faster. Downhill putts were not fun.

Q. Totally different golf course. Earlier in the week you were telling me about the improvements in your game, what you're doing differently. What's been the biggest component?
KEVIN NA: This week the putter is hot. I've been striking the ball pretty well for the last couple months, working on my swing with Drew. Went back to more of playing a draw, and I like it when I see a draw. I feel comfortable over the ball, and that's been the key.

Q. A lot of fans will see low numbers here and they'll think the course is easy, but not so much so. When you're able to get some confidence from playing out here, what can that do not just for the week but for the rest of the season?
KEVIN NA: You know, it doesn't matter what you finish. When you feel like you're playing well and you shoot some good numbers, it carries the momentum into next week and the rest of the year. We're not just out here for one week, we're out here for long-term. You've just got to keep practicing hard and keep a positive mind and shoot some low numbers.

Q. Can we get some comments on the day?
KEVIN NA: I played great today, a little 65, struck the ball pretty good, but most importantly, I putted really well. I made some good putts, some long ones and some key putts.

Q. The course seemed to get a lot tougher today. Does that make that 65 even better?
KEVIN NA: Yes. I mean, before I came out this morning, I was like, oh, I'm thinking, if I can shoot another 63 today, it would be great, and I showed up this morning and I saw the putting green, and I was like, oh, maybe a 66 would be okay. The greens have really firmed up, and they're at least a foot to foot and a half faster, and you have to be below the hole and you have to hit the fairway to have any spin on it going into these greens, and the scoreboard just shows -- obviously there's some low scores out there, but in general the scoring average is going to be a shot and a half to maybe two shots higher.

Q. The greens seem to be getting faster. Does tomorrow got you worried?
KEVIN NA: It's dried up. We see the humidity -- there's a lot less humidity today, and I think they might have even rolled them, too. They're definitely a foot and a half faster.

Q. Seven years is a long time between wins. What is your mentality --
KEVIN NA: I can't remember.

Q. What is your hunger, your drive? What's going on in your head for tomorrow?
KEVIN NA: You know, every time I get in contention, I'm hungry to win. When I won, it took me eight years, and I told everybody that it will not take that long to win my second one, and I'm running out of time. Hopefully I get this done.

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