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June 28, 2018
Eastbourne, England
A. RADWANSKA/J. Ostapenko
6-2, 7-5
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Did you ever think that you would be doing this well on your first tournament back?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: No, not at all. Actually, I just -- here I took only three dresses with me, so it's enough, like, for sure. I thought maybe one or two matches at the most.
Especially I'm unseeded, so you always have to play someone from the top. No, I didn't expect that at all.
Q. So apart from having to do unexpected laundry or rocking your Wimby whites a little bit early, how do you feel your form has improved as the week's gone on?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I just feel like I didn't have that two or three months' rest from the matches. I really feel good. Obviously that was another good match against top player, so I couldn't ask for more before Wimbledon, playing those couple of good matches.
Obviously conditions are also tough today. Hot, a little bit windy, as well, on that court. Well, it was a tight match, for sure, in that second set. A lot of up-and-downs, a lot of breaks, different match than the others, but, you know, it's always good to win another match like this.
Q. Do you feel different to how you felt a couple months ago when you were playing? Do you come back and suddenly feel more relaxed and joyful on court, do you think?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think so. I think rest did good job for me, I guess (smiling). You know, I'm relaxed and more healthy, for sure. Fresh, I guess. That's also I think important, you know, to be fresh. Then you're motivated more.
Well, like I said, I really didn't expect that at all.
Q. And did you think the key today against Ostapenko was putting the pressure on her constantly?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: That's what I was trying to do. But also she was very aggressive, especially in that second set. Sometimes she was even too powerful and even going 100% for my first serve even.
It was very tight in that second set. Well, I'm just happy I could better those one or two points in that second set and win that match in two sets.
Q. It looked like you were able to attack her serve a little bit. Did you feel that way?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, I think she was definitely returning better than serving, and I think serve in that match was not really the huge weapon. A lot of breaks from both sides and a lot of 30-Loves, 40-Loves. You know, games going to the other way.
But that's what I was trying to do, as well, trying to be aggressive and not let her play, and especially against the wind, but I think I still did a good job.
Q. Tonight is the "WTA on the Thames." Of course you won't be there because you're here. It's changed a little bit from the sort of big, glitzy affair that it was before. What are your thoughts on how they have evolved that pre-Wimbledon party?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: To be honest, I have no idea. I don't know what you're talking about. I think there is some party during the day or something? But I really don't know. I have no idea.
I saw something but I was here and I didn't really read anything more than just the party on Thursday. That's it.
Q. Which you're going to miss?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, exactly. That's why I didn't go even any deeper, yeah. So, yeah (smiling).
Q. Given the choice, would you prefer to be here or there?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Here, of course. Yeah.
Q. You talked about not being seeded here. You're going to be seeded for Wimbledon. What did you make of the decision to give Serena a seeding?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, that's always a tricky question. Well, I know at Wimbledon they are doing seeds like this. Especially for someone like Serena, definitely she deserves to be seeded. I don't know why 25th, kind of weird number, but I also understand those players who are 32nd and being out of the seeding.
I also understand that they are angry or, you know, it's, you know, they thought they gonna be seeded. You know, the draw looks a little bit different for them now.
You know, I think it's never going to be a gold, you know, solution for that. But that's how it is at Wimbledon. I think, you know, Serena should be seeded, for sure. You know, just bad luck for the last seed.
Q. Would you have been angry had you been 32 and knocked out because of that?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Probably, yes, and I will complain probably, as well (smiling). But it's not big, for sure. I understand, because you can be also the one who's going to play Serena in the first round. So you never know how it's gonna be.
Also, there are so many other good players not seeded, and you can play them first round and, you know, it's sometimes you just have this bad luck. So I think all depends on the draw. We'll see.
Q. Have you set yourself a target in terms of getting up in the rankings?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Of course I would love to be back in the top 10. But I miss a lot of tournaments this year, and I just hope I can, you know, play all those that I want in the end of the year.
But I know how tough is it. There is a lot of players who deserve to be top 10 and a lot of new names over there. A lot of young, up-and-coming players playing great tennis. For sure it's tough, and, well, but we have still couple of months to play. So, yeah.
Q. Not that I'm calling you old, by any stretch of the imagination, but like you say, there is a lot of up-and-coming players and they seem to be fearless. When you were their age, were you that fearless? Or did you have maybe too much respect for players that were way, way higher in the rankings?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think what's changed, I think right now when I see those 17-, 18-year-old girls, they are very mature. They are playing really great tennis with experience. They play like they really have a lot of experience. They are really tough.
I think a couple years ago when you see some 17-year-olds it was not at that level. So I think tennis is getting better and better and those girls are pretty solid. You really have to play 100%, because otherwise you never going to go off the court as a winner. So I think doesn't matter how old you are. It's tough.
Q. You have always had the reputation of being, I think "Professor" is the nickname, your ability for angles. Do you think there is room for that amongst the power game that a lot of these younger players are playing?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think so. I think there are a lot of players still playing that kind of tennis. But also, I'm not going to change my game. Even if I wanted to, there is no chance I'm going to hit as powerful as the other ones.
So that's the way I play. I can always, you know, try to be more aggressive on the court, but I never gonna serve or, you know, hit a forehand like those couple of girls bombing those balls.
So I think there are so many players on the tour, and you can really see a lot of styles. For sure, there are a lot of good ones that are also playing this kind of tennis, as well.
Q. Going back to Serena, there was a story today about having a run-in with an antidoping agency. Do you have any views on antidoping, whether it's strong enough or whether more needs to be done?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I feel like I have been tested pretty often, and I think they're doing good job.
But, you know, I have been tested at home and also at the tournaments. You know, for me, they are really doing good job. I cannot really complain.
Q. There has been talk about the Wimbledon Ladies' Championship being changed or should be changed to the Women's Championship, because "ladies" sounds quite old-fashioned. Just wonder if you have a view on that?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: (Smiling and shaking head.) For me, can be even "Girls." (Laughter.)
Doesn't matter, really. If I won, I can be whatever.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
