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June 24, 2018

Martin Kaymer

Pulheim, Germany

Q. A lot of positives you can take out of this week?
MARTIN KAYMER: A lot of positives. I think I putted really, really well especially today. Gave myself a lot of chances. Mentally I stayed in it very well. Didn't rush anything. Was quite calm on the golf course. Really enjoyed playing the last two days. And then -- the wrong time.

Q. What was that all about on 17? Really fantastic birdie on the last to build you with confidence, but going back to 17, were you caught in two minds to float it, or were you always wanting to get on the deck and shut it down and skid it in there or what was the story?
MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, just wanted to hit a skidder that pitches maybe ten on the green and skids a couple times and then checks. But firm hands, of course it happens when you get under a little bit but those hands they were very firm. It does happen. It was not my best moment in golf. Unfortunately it happened at the wrong time and in my home country but at end of the day I need to focus on the positives and there has been quite a lot in the last three weeks.

Q. You've got a great result here, a good time to start playing well. Ryder Cup; how much do you want to be -- you've had success around Paris National -- how much coming in the next month or months to show Thomas Björn what you're made of? He knows what you're made of but you know what I mean?
MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, I don't think I need to prove myself that I'm good enough for the team. I've done it in the past that I'm good enough but right now my results don't really show what I'm capable of, and I have only two months' time. There's a little bit of pressure on it because it's a golf course that I really enjoy, especially playing in France. Every year, I really enjoying playing for the people there. It's one of the best golf courses that we play.

So I will put everything into the next couple months that I have. I'm going to play a lot. I play all the Rolex Series Events just to gain points. I would hate to miss out. But in the end of the day, you need to be realistic. If 12 other guys are better than me, then they should go ahead and try to get the trophy back.

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