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June 8, 2018
Scarsdale, New York
OLIVIA MEHAFFEY: It doesn't really feel like we're out there competing, we're just having a laugh, talking about everything, and it's really relaxed, which is really nice.
SOPHIE LAMB: Exactly what Olivia said. We've practiced a lot the last week or so playing together. We're really good friends off the course, so on the course, we're just having a friendly chat and nothing about golf, so it's really nice.
Q. You didn't know Holly was coming, she told me you had texted that you were unaware that she was coming until she arrived?
Q. Was that a surprise for you?
SOPHIE LAMB: Yeah, I'm really good friends with her associate, and after this morning was really nice, she gave us a little bit of inspiration for this afternoon, so yeah, it was really good seeing her.
Q. What did she tell you?
SOPHIE LAMB: I can't tell you. No, she just fills us all with confidence. India was surprised at her because she's playing in New Jersey, I think, so she drove up two hours to surprise us all, so it was really good.
Q. What would you say were the key moments from that match there?
OLIVIA MEHAFFEY: We lost the first, and it was just really relaxing to get two back, and on 3 I holed a really good putt, and just from then on we felt really comfortable once we got that 1-up lead, and it didn't really look like it changing at any stage once we got that one back, so I think we just got on a nice run, and even when we lost one, we managed to get one back. It just felt like we were quite comfortable out there with our lead.
Q. Did you enjoy playing the foursomes better than the four-ball, though?
SOPHIE LAMB: I liked both. I don't know really which I prefer. Today, this afternoon was more strategic. You have to think, okay, where does your partner want it rather than where you want to hit it, so we had a few times like that where I was like, where do you want to ball to finish except for where I actually wanted to hit it. So that was pretty good.
Q. I suppose you've got to be friends, then, to know all the things that could go wrong?
OLIVIA MEHAFFEY: Yeah, like Soph wanted to hit 6 on the last, and I wanted her to hit 7, and she hit a really good shot, and then she was super unhappy walking up, but I had to play the next shot, and I wanted to chip up the hill. I've practiced that chip many times. I didn't want to putt down the hill, so I don't feel bad for making her do that, even if she didn't want to hit that shot, because I had to play the next shot. But she's comfortable enough to accept the club I told her to hit, which is nice.
Q. So we're likely to see the Mehaffey/Lamb pairing again maybe? You're just enjoying it?
OLIVIA MEHAFFEY: Yeah, we're loving it. It's been a great day so far.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
