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June 2, 2018

Lee Slattery

Brescia, Italy

LEE SLATTERY: Coming off the back of 77 and 79 at Wentworth last week, I never really expected this. But it proves once again to all them golfers out there, you're never that far away. So yeah, just an incredible round of golf. Played lovely all day.

Q. Felt like just one errant tee shot on 12 that cost you today, and that's how fine margins can be on golf courses such as this?
LEE SLATTERY: Absolutely. I hit wedge, such a tough shot that because you played 18 down there, you're trying to turn a 130-yard shot into a 105-yard shot and I just hit it a little bit too hard but when it kicked off the bank, I thought, perfect, it just kept going, such a fast green, and I suppose lucky and unlucky to finish where I finished up against the wooden bit but I was happy with 4. I almost ran to the next tee.

Q. And you only dropped shots on three holes this week, one a costly one yesterday but you got yourself back with eight birdies and an eagle today?
LEE SLATTERY: I think because the course has played quite wet this week, it has not played firm like we all thought it would with the weather. They had a thunderstorm the other night and it just made it very wet, and yesterday was very unlucky, hitting driver off that hole, one of the best my day and lost my ball.

I felt like I dealt with it well. Took me two holes to get it out of my system but to come back today and shoot 62, can't even think about it.

Q. It's going to take another low score tomorrow. Any targets in mind?
LEE SLATTERY: I think just enjoy it. I mean, today, it was very relaxing, playing with two good guys, Laurie Canter and Richard Sterne, know them both quite well, and we just enjoyed it. I don't think they fed off me as well as what they could have done but when you get in that zone, you just keep making birdies. It's a great feeling. But more of the same. Just try and relax and just enjoy it tomorrow.

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