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May 27, 2018

Kevin Na

Fort Worth, Texas

Q. What a bookend for you: 62, 61. You know that shot on 18 almost went in.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I knew it was for the course record; I knew I had to birdie the last to tie it.

I had a beautiful 9-iron. Drew it in there, turned to the left flag. It's a little dangerous. Obviously anything left goes in the water.

So pitched it two yards right. With that hook spin coming in nearly went in to about ten inches.

Q. I was so impressed you weren't trying to protect out there; you were trying to get deeper. Tell me the 40-footer at 14.
KEVIN NA: It was 30 feet actually. Swinging hard from right to left, and as soon as I hit it I had the putter up and I just started walking it in.

Just had that feeling. As soon as I hit it I knew I made it.

Q. I was impressed that you would try to work a draw into that flagstick at the 15th. I said, He's going for it now.
KEVIN NA: Yep, yep. I was kind of in between clubs. Kenny convinced me to hit one less. I hit it -- wind was off to the right, so I started right of the flag, outside of the green, and turned it in to only about five feet left of the pin.

I think that was the shot of the day.

Q. Absolutely. As I said, I was really impressed that you would go for that flag. You made 381 feet in putts this week; 130 feet in this final round alone?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I putted great first round and final round. Second round I putted awful. I went back to my putter I played with last week in round three and then I putted great today. That putter only lasted one round, a good round.

But I'm very pleased. My putting has been kind of up and down this year, but I had a great putting day today.

Q. I don't know if it's going to be enough for you to win, but what a lot of momentum heading into the summer season.
KEVIN NA: Definitely trending the right way. Hopefully this week gets me into the U.S. Open.

Q. Comments about where your round. Amazing round.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I played amazing today. I struck it beautifully. Made a ton of putts.

You know, on some of these putts that, you know, are two-putter going in. When things are going right, those fall in.

Round one and round four, today, it felt like it was Ground Hog Day. I actually did one better and I'm very pleased way I finished this week.

Q. Talk about the finish on 18. Almost an eagle.

Q. Did you know that was...
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I really wanted to birdie 18. I wasn't protecting it because I felt like -- I knew that one more was tying the course record, and I really wanted to tie the course record.

Hit a beautiful tee shot with a 3-wood. Roasted it out there. Nice draw.

And then obviously that left pin fits perfect for my eye. Went off the right; hit a hard 9-iron. Drew it to the pin, and, man, I wish that went in.

Q. You mentioned tying the course record today. What did that mean to you?
KEVIN NA: You know, first round I was one out of it. I was thinking, One of these days I'm going to get a chance to shoot the course record. I didn't think it would come on Sunday.

Q. What was different about today as opposed to the other days?
KEVIN NA: I think I played better today. I thought the course of playing a little bit more tougher than the first round. I think today was a better round. Obviously one better, too.

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