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May 27, 2018

Dan McDonnell

Josh Stowers

Devin Mann

Durham, North Carolina

Florida State - 11, Louisville - 8

DAN McDONNELL: Just want to congratulate Florida State, Coach Martin and his staff. A lot of respect for that program. That was fun. That was fun playing against those guys. You know, I told these guys in the outfield how proud I was of them. What a fun week of baseball. This was good for us. We hadn't played great in the conference tournament in some time, so this was a lot of fun. We grew up a lot this week, we got better, and if anything we got prepared for the postseason. Obviously these two guys sitting to my right have been phenomenal the last few weeks, and obviously, man, they were locked in this week.

You know, we leave Durham obviously disappointed that we didn't come away with the championship, but a new season begins, and I'm sure we're feeling really good. We were very offensive this week. We got some quality starts, and we're playing good baseball. We weren't great today, but that's the game. We'll bounce back Friday and look forward to the next challenge.

Q. It seemed like this game was just one of those back and forth, taking punches, giving punches back. Was it kind of a grind out there? It seemed like you guys still had all kinds of energy there in the 10th, that between-innings rally in the dugout. But how was the mood throughout the course of this game?
JOSH STOWERS: Yeah, throughout the entire game we had the utmost confidence. Obviously we didn't pull it out in the last inning, but throughout the entire season we've been down and we've come back. I think we have like 20-plus come-from-behind wins. We know we're never out of any game. We're never sad or down on ourselves any time we don't have the lead.

DEVIN MANN: I thought we did a good job of just staying even keel the whole game. Obviously I had two crucial errors that killed us, by I thought we did a good job of bouncing back, just playing the game as it was and just playing the game hard in the right way.

Q. When you play Florida State you probably expect a game like this. What do you guys feel about their team overall after having seen them for the fourth time this year?
DEVIN MANN: I mean, they've got a good team. We know what they're about. They like to take pitches deep in counts. We think that we can compete with anybody in the country. Obviously they're a good team, and we let one slide today, and it hurts, but it will be better for us in the postseason.

Q. Devin, what was the deal with your bat in the fifth inning?
DEVIN MANN: I have no idea. I mean, I hit the double and then the umpire came up to me and said it was like dented or something like when I hit it, so he said I just couldn't use it anymore, so I just used another one.

Q. Coach, obviously a pretty successful week overall here. I imagine you would have loved to win the game, but you have to walk away feeling pretty satisfied about the state of your club heading into the postseason.
MIKE MARTIN: No doubt. That's what I said in the opening statement. I stood out there in left field and told those guys how much fun it was this week. Keep their head up. I know it hurts today, but there are teams that lose in their conference tournament and their season is over, and for many, their career is over. For us, it was just a stepping-stone. It was a learning tool that we can play good baseball and we can play tournament baseball, as we feel like we have for the last month. This was fun.

You know, we've been home by the weekend in the past, and as much as I love my family and I missed them this week and I look forward to getting home to see them, the goal was to play through Sunday, and we did, and we'll be one of the last teams in the country getting back from their conference tournament, and that's because we were in the championship game. I told the guys out there how much fun -- we're playing on ESPN on Sunday afternoon for an ACC championship. I enjoyed it. I know these guys enjoyed it. I know it hurts right now, but the sun will come up tomorrow, and we'll be tougher for it, and we'll be ready, ready to compete next weekend.

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