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May 20, 2018
Schilde, Belgium
Q. How would you assess the week? It's been quite a roller coaster.
JAMES HEATH: Yes, for me personally, it's been an improvement on my seven out of eight missed cuts, so it's come forth. Obviously very delighted with that.
Q. Earlier in the week it was looking like you were going to get knocked out and somehow you got over the line.
JAMES HEATH: Yeah, I was already booking tunnel time, thinking about the drive home, and just, yeah, hit a shot to a couple of feet. Could have been out of here Saturday morning, but here Sunday afternoon, so pleased.
Q. Fourth place, does that get you into Wentworth next week?
JAMES HEATH: Yeah, it does. I've been around that tournament for 20 years. I live in Surrey. Obviously I would have preferred to have won today but consolation is to play next week.
Q. A bit of a ding-dong battle. Did you enjoy it?
DAVID DRYSDALE: Yeah, it was a little ding-dong. James just missed a couple putts down the last few holes. Nice to hole that 5-, 6-footer on the last.
Q. Huge tournaments coming up now and it has not been the best of seasons for you so far. What can you take way from this week?
DAVID DRYSDALE: Yeah, I played lovely the first three days, and just today I struggled a little bit, but overall, I've missed several cuts in the last few starts, so hopefully just turn the corner and on to bigger events.
Q. Five rounds this week, what was it like for either of you?
JAMES HEATH: I'm a new father of two, so I'm not getting a height amount of sleep at home, anyway. I reckon I won't be getting any sleep when I get home.
Still feel okay now but I reckon probably the adrenaline kind of come out of me, maybe felt it a little bit in that last nine holes. When you know you weren't going to win, maybe not quite the same intensity, although obviously playing for third and fourth. I felt my legs tire a little bit, but it's only walking, isn't it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
