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May 18, 2018

Rafael Nadal

Rome, Italy

R. NADAL/F. Fognini

4-6, 6-1, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Start with questions in English followed by a few in Spanish.

Q. Can you explain what happened, what is the difference between the first set and the end of the first set, five games for him in a row? And then second and third set. And especially what happened when you serve and you lose only eight points in eight service games, starting from the second set to the end?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the first set I think it started well with both of us playing well, I believe.

I created an advantage that, for one, playing some good points. And he was playing some good points, too. It was a good quality of tennis, I believe.

Then, yes, I think I had my opportunity at the game of 4-1 returning, but he played some great shots in that game.

And then coming back from love-30 -- love-40 in the 4-2 to deuce was a slice backhand mistake for me that I shouldn't -- I should not have missed that one, after coming back from that tough cross-court, no.

But then, I believe he played aggressive. He played great tennis, hit a lot of winners, taking the ball very early.

My feeling was that I missed the important opportunity in the 4-2. And then I think I felt a little bit the pressure and I played a couple of bad games. Couple of mistakes that I should not have it.

And I believe that I was a little bit more in his hands, because he was taking the ball earlier than me and he was able to control more points than me from the baseline. So, that's why he had success in that end of the set.

And then later, things changed. You know, I think I changed a little bit the way I played, a little more aggressive on my forehand, trying to hit a little bit more forehands.

Yeah, match changes, of course. Have a break early in the second set definitely helps for the confidence. But then I think I played more aggressive with my forehand. And when I play more aggressive with my forehand, then the backhand become better.

And it's true that I feel that is an important victory for me, coming back from a set against. First time since I came back that I was one set against and I won. So, there's a lot of positive things out of the match today.

Q. As you said, we have the impression in the second and third set, you played more forehand than backhand. You moved looking for the forehand.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes. I needed, I think, because if I wanted to be here with the victory, I needed to do something.

And the match could not continue that way, like the last five games of the first set. That, in my opinion, as I said before, you know, he was controlling the points much more times than what I do -- or what I did. So, when these things happens, you are in trouble. You can win, but you are in the hands of the opponent.

So I believe that I could not be in the hands of the opponent when I am playing on clay. And when I'm playing these kind of matches, I need to go aggressive. And that's an important change for me. And it's an important change for my future, too.

It's important to be able to change the dynamic of the match in the middle of the match.

Q. It seems easy when you say, after a couple of bad games, you went more aggressive and stopped the mistakes. But it's not that easy. What was the adjustment to cut down on errors and find the way to be aggressive again?
RAFAEL NADAL: You can't control to cut the unforced errors. The only thing that you can try or control is the idea of do something else. Then you can have mistakes. You can have success. Today, I had success.

But the important thing is to have the mind, enough calm, to take conditions and change things when you can.

Q. You've got a very interesting possible semifinals against either Kei or Novak coming up. Look ahead to that semifinal a bit and, obviously, the kind of match you would want going maybe into the finals and also heading to Paris.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, my clay court season have been, I think, fantastic. Two victories, one quarterfinals, and now semifinals. I can't complain.

Of course, it will be much better if I finish here with another title. And I really gonna try.

But, being honest, I can't forget that I had five months without completing -- without complete tennis tournament. Since Shanghai until Monte-Carlo, I didn't complete no one event.

So, the comeback have been great, no? That's the real thing. So I am happy with everything.

Then tomorrow is an important and difficult match.

I did things well during this clay court season.

Tomorrow is another opportunity to play another good match against a great opponent, and I need to be ready to play my best. And I believe that I can do it. And I hope to do it.

Q. You haven't played against Novak all these years. Do you kind of miss it, not facing one of your biggest rivals?
RAFAEL NADAL: Being honest, it's better to not play him. He's one of the best players of history, no doubt about it, no.

I am not this kind of stupid guys that says, No, I want to play. No, no.

When I have to play, I play and I gonna try my best to win as I did all my career. But, of course, you prefer easier opponents than a great player like Novak.

But, of course, on the other hand, when you play some matches like I played against him in our career, you are happy to be part of that kind of matches and you appreciate it a lot.

Q. Can you tell us -- you had a quick exchange at the net with Fabio.

Q. You had a quick exchange at the net with Fabio after match point. Can you tell us what the two of you said to each other?
RAFAEL NADAL: I just asked how was his knee because I saw the bandage. And he told me that he felt something on the knee. That's all. Difficult to explain a lot of things in that just few seconds.

But, yeah. I know a little bit about knees.

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