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May 16, 2018
Rome, Italy
C. WOZNIACKI/A. Van Uytvanck
6-1, 6-4
THE MODERATOR: All right. Who would like to start?
Q. What were the keys to victory out there today?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think I served pretty well. I think I returned pretty well. I think I played pretty well.
So, all of all -- all in all, a pretty good match. I tried to move the ball around and mix the pace up a little bit.
Q. It's a little cold and probably not ideal conditions. I'm curious, for your game, do you prefer when it's hotter and what the court and balls do for you in warmer conditions or colder conditions?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think it really depends on the match and who I play and what surface you play on. I thought it was fine out there today.
I think when I played, it wasn't that cold. I felt it out there now that it's cooled down significantly.
So, I'm not sure what the balls do right now. But when I played, I think the ball came off my racquet pretty well and it was nice conditions.
And I love that court. I think it's, uh -- it's my favorite court here.
Q. My question was going to be about that court. Because everyone who's come up -- everyone's like, it's almost one of my favorite courts just across the year. What makes it so special for you? Is it because the crowd is so close, it's so intimate, or it is because of the setting?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think it's the combination of everything. I think it's the setting. I think it's the tradition. I think it's the history. I think it's having the crowd close to you.
It used to be the old center court when I first started on tour. And I really love that about this tournament, to have the statues and everything. It was cool.
Q. I remember last year in Paris, I think you said you didn't play Rome because of the pollen here. So, how are you managing that this year here?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah, actually I haven't played for a few years. It really was difficult for me, as stupid as it sounds. I was getting fevers, and I was really feeling awful.
But this year I took a bit of a different approach. I started to take my allergy medication already last week. And apparently they said that that's supposed to help build it up for this week.
Then I tried some different medications. As soon as I got here, I started sneezing and not feeling good. So they put me on some different stuff, and it's been helping.
So far, so good. I also think the rain has helped that it's kept it down. So, I'm okay for now.
Q. A lot of us sympathize with that problem for sure. Have you talked to other players with similar issues? You're the only player that named it as a reason for not playing. Do other players struggle with it also you've come across?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't know. I'm sure there is. I don't really talk much about it with the other players, to be honest. I kind of fight my own battles.
But so far, it's been good. I can't complain.
Q. Anywhere else that triggers similarly for you?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Honestly, not really. Sometimes Wimbledon on the warm days. But I just take a Claritin, and I'm completely fine.
So, this is the only place. It usually goes away when I go into the city. So it must be something about the trees or something that is right above the courts.
Q. Just, you know, through just the start and, also, practice sessions you've had here in Rome, how are you feeling in terms of like the balls, the conditions here for you? And then, also, just next match going forward with Sevastova, if you could preview that.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I feel pretty good.
I think the courts are maybe a little slippery here. I feel like it's not as easy to move around as it is in some of the other tournaments. I don't know if I'm the only one that feels that way. But, you know, I'm just trying to hang in there and just, all the time, finding my game.
The clay season is almost coming to an end, obviously. We have the French Open in a week's time, in a week and a half. So, I'm just trying to really play my best and do as well as I can.
Q. With Roger skipping the French Open, you are the lone player left in calendar Slam contention already. Have you dared to dream yet?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: That's a lot of pressure you just put on me there (laughing).
I don't know. I just want to go out there and have fun and enjoy and play my best. I played quarters last year, which was pretty good for me. And I'll try to do the same or better this year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
