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April 25, 2018

Quin Snyder

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Game Five

Thunder - 107, Jazz - 99

Q. Up by 25 and then all of a sudden it's gone. What happened?
QUIN SNYDER: Well, I think a 25-, 20-point lead in the NBA is not safe, especially when you've got two guys like Russell and Paul George that can do what they did. I thought the two threes that Westbrook hit were big shots, and then Paul George followed up with a three-point play, and all of a sudden a 25-point lead is a 16-point lead, and they found some rhythm. When Rudy went out, that impacted us, but that said, I thought our struggles on the offensive end impacted our defense too much. We've known during the year if we struggle offensively that our defense has to stay solid. But I thought when they did start making plays and Rudy went out that we were fighting it, but we didn't execute as well as we needed to offensively against the switch, got some good looks, missed them, and then the biggest thing is 37 points in the third quarter, just kind of back in the game and they had confidence and life, and we didn't do what we needed to do.

Q. What would you have liked to see against that switching defense in terms of execution?
QUIN SNYDER: You know, we've played against switching defenses all year. It's not uncommon in the NBA to see teams switch 1 through 5, and as much as anything, we still have to try to get the ball into the paint and attack the rim, and oftentimes that'll be for a kick-out for the next guy. That's how we needed to play. We weren't able to -- we settled a little bit for some jumpers versus the switch. That feels like good offense when they're going in, but when they're not, you've got to keep pressing it and attack the initial switch, and we've got a list of things we do against that and weren't able to execute them.

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