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April 20, 2018
Los Angeles, California
Q. Overall your thoughts on your round today?
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: Yeah, I'm very happy. Anything under par on this golf course is really good. I played really well again, gave myself lots of chances, didn't make as many putts as yesterday, but I'm very happy. I struck the ball really well and hit my driver really well, so I'm excited for the weekend.
Q. What was it like playing the course today versus yesterday?
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: Yesterday it was really windy, it was really tough. But today at the end, especially like I hit a beautiful shot on the last, and we thought the wind was into, which it was on the last hole, and on the driver, but now you can see that it's down. So I think the wind is going to get tricky out here. It kind of swirls around, so it's hard to trust. But I played really well. And compared to yesterday, about the same. I guess the greens are a bit smoother in the mornings, so it's nice to get an early tee time.
Q. Have you had much reaction from people when you had just revealed about the thyroid condition, and have you had any support or outreach from that?
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: Yeah, it's funny because it kind of came out, I didn't want to say anything, but somehow Tom asked me a couple questions when it came out, and I've never really wanted to talk about it. Only my good friends knew. To be honest I'm actually really glad it came out because it almost feels like a weight off my shoulders because I've always been hiding it from people, and I've got so much response, like amazing. Today I even had a lady following me that actually contacted me saying that she's going through the same thing, so I'm really happy I talked about it, because if I can help anybody. So I've got a lot of reinforcement and a lot of support from a lot of people on the internet.
Q. Was that emotional for you when she came up to you and said that?
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: It was. Well, she actually told me she was coming, but she already contacted me on Facebook -- on Instagram actually, and I read it and I responded, and once I responded, she said, oh, I'm going to try to come see you on Friday, and she was following me the whole round, so it was really nice of her.
Q. The fact that you had never thought about revealing it and it came out and the fact that now you can see that maybe it helps other people, what does that mean to you, that it's something going forward that you can be open about?
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: Yeah, it actually means a lot, as I said, because it almost feels like now I can be honest, and I was, too, before. Like I've been obviously struggling, but it's kind of hard when people don't know why and they ask you what's going on and you don't know what to say, you are like, I don't know, I'm just not playing good.
But at the same time, I hate -- one of my biggest pet peeves is people that give excuses. Like I feel like everybody goes through something, and I don't like when somebody plays bad, it's like, my knee was sore, my wrist was sore. It's like, well, everybody has something. So I don't want this as an excuse, but if I can help someone and that's what I've been getting from people, like so many people have contacted me and saying, this really helps, and what am I doing to make myself feel better, so I've changed my diet, I've changed a few things. I've actually been in touch with a few people saying what I'm doing. So if I can help one person, I'm actually happy that it came out.
Q. What is the biggest thing you're doing with your diet?
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: I cut gluten completely, and I actually -- I eat a few eggs, but pretty much a vegan diet, and that has been really helpful.
Q. Was that difficult for you to do?
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: No. I mean, I was feeling so sick that like once I read that that could really help me, and I wasn't getting better, even though I was on medication, I tried it, and instantly I got much better, and it kind of happened, too, at the same time, that that "What the Health" documentary came out, so at the beginning I was kind of doing it because it's meant to be healthy for you, but then once I started reading, everybody says if you have Hashimoto's you should do it. So it was really easy. Like I've never doubted going back.
Q. I think Jason Gore had that, too, that he talked about, as well. In LA, have you been able to do anything in LA --
AZAHARA MUÑOZ: This week actually not so much, but I was here a couple weeks ago. I stayed on the West Coast after ANA, so I've done a few things. It's awesome to be here. Obviously we have great crowds, the weather is nice, the course is amazing, and it's fun to be around. There's so many great restaurants and so much history with all of the actors and actresses and all of that, so it's been really fun.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
