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April 18, 2018

Richard Gasquet

Monte Carlo, Monaco

R. GASQUET/D. Schwartzman

6-2, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Questions in French, please.

Q. A well-controlled match, good tactics.
RICHARD GASQUET: The match went well. Physically I felt good. Every time I had difficult points, I was able to win them. It was a good clay court match.

He's No. 10 in the world, so I'm happy I won. Things went well for me. I ran pretty good. I didn't make mistakes. I played high shots to his shoulders. I thought it gave him problems.

It was a solid match. Every time I was losing points, I was able to win the next three points. This hurt him. When I had breakpoints or difficult moments, I was able to win those important points.

Q. More dropshots than usual?
RICHARD GASQUET: It's important to do that on clay. Physically, I was feeling good. My legs were good. No problems whatsoever. It was a good match.

Of course, I had some matches under my belt, which helped me play better and better. It was important for me to win this match because he was confident. He's a good player. It's a good win.

Q. Your appetite is increasing in Monte-Carlo?
RICHARD GASQUET: Well, it was important to win this match. It's good for me to have the opportunity to play other matches, several matches in a row. This is important.

It's a beautiful tournament, so it's a good thing for me.

Q. The conditions are good for you? You like it? It's warm?
RICHARD GASQUET: Yes, it was always a great tournament. When the weather is nice like this, the ball bounces. It's what I like. It was a good victory.

Q. You believe that or is it just speak for the journalists?
RICHARD GASQUET: Well, you can say this: A French player in the round of 16. You would have written an article saying there were no French players any more at this stage of the tournament. That's something for the journalists.

When you talk about things for journalists, I believe there will be something about this in the papers tomorrow. Is it worrying before the French Open? Blah, blah, blah.

Q. We would have had to go back to Paris, or even worse, to Aix-en-Provence, if you hadn't won.
RICHARD GASQUET: Well, I'll just stop there now (laughter).

I really would like to win my next match. I know the journalists now. They can't trap me any more (laughter). I'm just going to try to play a good match. I'm quite humbled because of what I did lately. I know everything is tough. I'll try to play a big match tomorrow.

Q. How do you see your match against Zverev?
RICHARD GASQUET: His game is atypical. He comes to the net, he serves well. It's a totally different game than the other players I played since the beginning of the week.

He beat Lucas. Lucas certainly played a good match. It's up to me now to win.

Q. You beat him once already.
RICHARD GASQUET: Yes. It was on a faster surface, though. After that, he started playing really well. He's a solid player. He has a lot of talent. Like any other match, it's going to be tough.

Q. About things for journalists, a question. You might reach the figure of 500 wins. Maybe Verdasco will play later. Maybe he can beat your record. Amongst those wins, is there one you choose more than others?
RICHARD GASQUET: There were three victories in Grand Slams, in quarterfinals: against Roddick in Wimbledon, Wawrinka also, and Ferrer in the US Open. In the Grand Slams, there were three very important matches for me.

I can also mention doubles in Davis Cup last year that changed many things for me.

Q. That doesn't count.
RICHARD GASQUET: Well, yes, but it was important for me.

Roddick and Wawrinka wins were beautiful matches, too. Otherwise there were no major finals. I played good matches, of course.

Q. Your first title?
RICHARD GASQUET: Yes, there were good matches. But I will only mention those three Grand Slam matches. I remember the match point. Nobody was expecting me to win. The finish was totally incredible. He was No. 1. I was top 100. It was incredible.

Q. Apart from the context of the match, which is the match that pleased you most?
RICHARD GASQUET: I remember in 2007 a good match. I believe I played better when I beat Nishikori in 2016, 2017. I was playing better than in 2007. Even though my ranking was not as good, but it's because tennis changed a lot.

In Wimbledon also I had good wins.

When did I play best? It's tough to say. When you're 20 or 30? It's difficult to know. But I believe I was a better player in 2016 or '17 than when I won the match in Wimbledon.

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