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January 26, 2018

Matthew Southgate

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Q. Congratulations on the hole-in-one. Just talk us through it.
MATTHEW SOUTHGATE: It was just a really good yardage for me. It was really nice. I was aiming at the right lip of the back right bunker, and where the wind was, it was just like a perfect target. Just hit it absolutely perfect. Then it just started turning into the flag and I thought, I knew it had to to be good. In the air, I was saying, "Be the number, be the number," and when it pitched, it was right in line with the flag, a couple of yards short.

As soon as it pitched, I was like, "Get in," and then it just kissed the flag and went in. It's my first one on Tour. I was chuffed. It was really good.

Q. Club and yardage?
MATTHEW SOUTHGATE: I think it was 154 and I hit just a smooth 9-iron, so perfect for me.

Q. Have you had any others?
MATTHEW SOUTHGATE: I've had a lot just playing with friends and as an amateur but never on the Tour. So seven years waiting, off to a good start this year with one. That's great. I'm really chuffed.

Q. Do you know your prize?
MATTHEW SOUTHGATE: I think I've won a watch, which is obviously lovely. OMEGA sponsor this tournament and they do us proud, OMEGA, with the events. So thanks to the sponsors for that and look forward to have a look at my shiny new wrist.

Q. You're not out of the tournament, are you.
MATTHEW SOUTHGATE: No, really chuffed with how I've played. First time playing this week with no pain in the wrist, which is great. I've done a lot of work with the physios and trying to strengthen it up and it's really worked. That's paying dividends, which is nice.

And yeah, in a good position for the weekend. It's been a while since I've been just able to relax and attack a golf course, so I'm looking forward so Saturday and Sunday, seeing what we can do.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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