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January 7, 2018

Hideki Matsuyama

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii

Q. I know you haven't won it here, but you've had another great week. You must be pretty pleased with where the game is at.
HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: It's been a great week. I love it here. I've got two weeks that I'm going to be off. I'm going to be working hard and getting ready for Torrey Pines.

Q. Did you need this week, given that your form or results may have slipped just a little bit towards the end of last year?
HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: What I'm going to take from this week is I really hit some quality iron shots all week long. I wish I could say the same about my driver and putter. But, again, I'm looking forward to these next two weeks to correct the things that I need to and be ready for the next one.

Q. Is one of the goals this year to get your timing on your best golf better or as good as you can?
HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Of course. We all try to peak at the Majors. My next goal, of course, for the Majors is the Masters. I'll be working hard to get ready for that. But along the way there's some important tournaments that hopefully I'll play well in.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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