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September 5, 1998

Arantxa Sanchez Vicario

Flushing Meadows, New York

Q. You weren't hitting the ball really hard. A few hard shots, but you weren't hitting at your pace. Were you playing -- adjusting to her game, something you saw in her game?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: Well, first of all, I think not always you have to play hard to win. I think she likes the pace, so I have to mix it up. But I'm just playing, you know, to win. There's a lot of wind too. You have to be careful, cannot take so much risk. I think I played smart and well. You know, I win the match. That's the most important.

Q. What do you see in her game, her potential, as far as coming to be a Top-10 Player? Do you see some potential?


Q. Yes, your opponent.

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: Well, she's a player who hits a lot of balls back. I mean, she runs a lot. Obviously, I think her forehand was her shot, her weapon. I didn't let her play that. I just moved the ball really well and changed the pace. When I came to the net, it worked out really well. I just tried to wait until I have the chance to win the point, mix it up, and it worked out well.

Q. If you play Kournikova in the next round, what are the biggest challenges in her game right now? What has she developed the most within her game?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: Well, I mean, she's a player who hits the ball really hard. I will be able to, you know, stay into the match, play each point, concentrate each game. We'll see how it goes. But I feel that my matches helps me, the first one. I mean, I'm ready to play the next match against her. She obviously has to play against Farina.

Q. In the middle of your match, there was an announcement made from Shea Stadium about Mark McGwire's home run. Did you hear that? People starting cheering in the middle of your points.


Q. Did that make you laugh?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: I mean, I couldn't hear what was going on, but I heard the crowd during the point. I thought maybe something happened, I don't know. And then obviously when you're in a changeover, people say it, so I hear about it. But I was just trying to still into the match anyway. But you can hear, yeah.

Q. Did you ask somebody during the changeover what happened?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: No, no. I find out after the match what it was. I asked what happened. I heard that people were going very excited, so I say maybe something big happen, you know. But I have to wait until the end of the match to figure out.

Q. You threw the first ball out at the Mets game the other night. If you were pitching against McGwire, do you do you think he'd do?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: Let me try (laughter). Then we'll find out.

Q. Maybe better than some of the other pitchers.

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: We'll see. It would be very exciting if that happens, yeah, for sure.

Q. How do you feel your game has been going? Are you happy with the way you're playing? Anything you need to sharpen up a little bit?

ARANTXA SANCHEZ VICARIO: Each match I feel better. The matches I play, the players give me a lot of good matches, have good wins. Obviously, the more you winning, the more tough the match is going to be. But I feel pretty good with myself, you know, playing good. Hopefully I'm just going to think about the next one.

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