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November 16, 2017

Sergio Garcia

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Q. A tough start, bogey, bogey. A couple under. Acceptable?
SERGIO GARCIA: Yes, I mean, I'll be lying if I told you I wasn't a little bit nervous those first couple of holes. Obviously with everything that's going on and first tournament playing new equipment.

I relaxed nicely after that. I started hitting some really good shots. Hit some good putts that unfortunately didn't go in. I made a good come back. It wasn't that easy probably the last seven or eight holes. It got a little breezy with some tough holes out there. But you know, I am pretty pleased with a couple under at the end of the day.

Q. Whatever happens, this year is going to be a year you will always remember with a green jacket. You've left the heat to the other boys. You've played it down a little, this Race to Dubai. Is that the old customer; is that the old man sort of going, I'm going to play this down and just be groovy, or are you just ready to attack and gate crash?
SERGIO GARCIA: Well, to be totally honest, I didn't think that my options were as good as they -- I mean, obviously it's not easy because both Justin and Tommy have been playing great all year. But I thought my possibilities were a little more removed than what they actually are.

But still, there's so many things that have to go right, starting with me winning here, which is never easy. You know, we're going to hopefully play the way we played the last 16 holes all week, and see if we can get that win and then we'll see.

Q. Would it be fair to say that you'd love to win The Race to Dubai, but your focus is more on majors?
SERGIO GARCIA: Well, if whoever says the opposite thing is lying. Obviously majors are what we drive to and what we want to get. It doesn't mean that we don't want to win The Race to Dubai. But yeah, if I had to choose between winning The Race to Dubai this year or the Masters, I'll take the Masters.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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