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November 13, 2017

Lauren Greenlief

Houston, Texas

Q. Let's talk about your birdie barrage. I mean, you make birdies to win 1, 4, and 5. Tell me about them.
LAUREN GREENLIEF: The 1st hole was kind of an unexpected birdie. I hit a bad tee shot to stand way right into the fairway bunker, and I had 194 into the (indiscernible) of the bunker about 10 feet and drained the putt kind of right in the right center.

So that was a little bit of an unexpected birdie. You're sitting back there in the fairway bunker just trying to get it somewhere near the green and get up and down for par, but hit a great shot.

Q. What are you thinking when something like that happens right from the start, especially in match play?
LAUREN GREENLIEF: You just build the momentum off it. You kind of got away with the birdie and made a great putt. Try and ride the momentum and kind of take it from there. I hit a bad tee shot and got away with it, so...

Q. Then you go on to birdie 4.
LAUREN GREENLIEF: 4, the par-3, I hit a 7-iron. Actually looked look it was going up. I was trying to one up Tara and get a hole in one myself. Had about six inches left for birdie; conceded that one.

Q. Did it kind of roll up, or you hit it dead and...
LAUREN GREENLIEF: The pin was on the front of the green. I probably hit front edge of the green. It kind of trickled up towards the hole and ended up probably about six inches left of the cup.

Q. Uh-huh, and 5 make another birdie.
LAUREN GREENLIEF: Go to 5, hit a drive in the right rough. Hit a good punch out trying to get a good angle into that back right pin, and hit a nice little wedge in there to about four feet and made that putt.

Q. So now she comes back, wins the hole, and then you win 7 and you go 4-up on the Par 5, 9. How did you do that?
LAUREN GREENLIEF: I finally hit a good tee shot on 9. I hit the tree every single day. I finally hit a little cut just past the tree; I had 230 to the pin; hit 3-wood over the green into the back bunker, but it was really not a bad spot to be.

Hit a bunker shot to about three feet and drained the putt right in the center. Nice way to finish the front nine.

Q. What's going through your mind when you have a lead like that at the turn?
LAUREN GREENLIEF: Trying to kind of keep the momentum forward, keep winning holes if I can. Honestly I was 4-up at the turn, but she made probably a 60-foot birdie putt on and made probably three par saves over ten feet, so she was holding her own with her putter.

I just assumed that was going to continue, and just wanted to keep playing my game and make some more birdies.

Q. So she still had your attention even with a 4-up lead?
LAUREN GREENLIEF: Yeah, I mean, you always got to kind of keep focused because you want to keep building on that lead rather than give it away. I just tried to keep the momentum.

Q. What are most pleased about right now? You've been through this before.
LAUREN GREENLIEF: I'm hitting the ball solid. My tempo feels a lot better than it did the beginning of the week. Typically which job I don't play at all Monday through Thursday; usually I kind of hit balls on Saturday, feel a little rusty; by the time I play Sunday I feel a little bit better.

Came out on Thursday, kind of felt rusty, and it's gotten better every day. I feel like my swing is really -- the tempo is there and it's locked in. Just trying to build off that.

Q. I've asked this question of others. It's hard to compare years because you have different courses, different things happen.

Q. But where you stand right now and where you've stood in other years, how does it compare?
LAUREN GREENLIEF: Last year I exited, so definitely better than that. At Squire Creek the year I won, I was probably playing equally well that week. I felt like in that tournament I was getting better every day, and I have that same feeling this week.

I want to kind of keep pushing it forward. You know you'll run into some tough matches. I want to make sure I stay patient and stay in my game.

Q. The last question is: Now we get into double rounds the next two days. Do you have a different mentality when you at least anticipate playing two rounds in one day?
LAUREN GREENLIEF: I just try and rest when I can. So if the sun is out, I stand more in the shade or I'll sit down in between holes to try and save the energy. Still one hole at a time and try to stay in it.

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