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October 28, 2017

Justin Rose

Shanghai, China

Q. Your thoughts on a 72?
JUSTIN ROSE: Wasn't good enough, is what it was, but it was tricky out there. Wasn't an easy day. Just kind of felt like a couple breaks; difference between a low round and a poor round sometimes is the odd break here and there. I had a bit of a funny time around 7, 8 and 9. Kind of had some momentum go against me there.

Then got it back a little bit. Kind of played the beginning of the back nine well. Made a birdie on 13, but the par 5 I should have birdied. Then I made a bogey at 16 which is a birdie hole. A couple key moments in the round went against me, but all in all, DJ played great golf today and obviously stretched out a little too far ahead.

Q. The birdie on the last, how good will that be for your confidence going into tomorrow?
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, I made some good swings. After the bogey on 16, I made a really good swing into 17 and two great swings on the last, and obviously 2-putt there to finish with a birdie.

It's nice not to shoot over par. I mean, even par is not great but it feels a lot better than 1-over. You kind of walk away, the course didn't beat me today.

I believe tomorrow is going to be a pretty windy, blustery tough day, as was today but tomorrow even more so. So yeah, I feel like that birdie can hopefully make dinner taste good and come out and try and do something special.

Q. Looking to go low tomorrow; looking like the tournament may be won by Dustin but still second place to play for?
JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, obviously he's going to wake up in good shape and go ahead and play a solid round of golf. Yeah, if he does that, the tournament's over. Other than that, playing for second and barring something crazy from him. But that's always the thing, you play for second and see what happens.

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