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October 5, 2017

Rafael Nadal

Beijing, China

R. NADAL/K. Khachanov

6-3, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You have been to Beijing six times. Every time you play into the quarterfinals. You also got an Olympic gold medal here. Do you think Beijing is one of your lucky places?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I have been in a lot of places that bring me good luck. Beijing, is true that I am not winning the title here since 2008 Olympics, so I don't know if is lucky or not.

Of course, being in quarterfinals again is a positive thing, no? Happy about the match of today. I think I played a solid match. Tomorrow will be a tough one against Isner, that he's playing unbelievably well. I saw his match today. He played huge.

So let's see what's going on tomorrow.

Q. Since the US Open you have won nine matches in a row. In total you won 30 matches on hard courts. It's the best performance in the last four years. Did you make any special changes or improvements before the season?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, play well. That's the biggest improve that you can do, no?

When you are playing well, everybody talks about improvements or things that you are doing different. At the end of the day of course I try to improve my game. But the sport is not that difficult: If you are playing well, then you have more chances to win a lot of matches. If you are playing worst, the chances are much less. This year I have been playing well almost every week. That's why I have been having lot of success.

So today was a positive match for me again. That's important for my confidence. Let's see what's going on tomorrow. That's all.

Q. It seems you had maybe better sensations today than the previous match, no?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, of course I played better today. But is true that Pouille played so well the other day. There is always a reason. But obviously first match after a while is tough. First one against Pouille is a difficult one.

After that match, be through after all the things that happened the other day, was a positive thing for me of course. And that's gives me confidence. Today I think I played a good match.

I won 6-3, 6-3, but you never know. He had some breakpoints at the beginning of the match. Then he had two more breakpoints I think with 1-0 in the second for him. So matches in tennis changes very quick. Anything could happen if probably he make one of that breakpoints, but didn't happen. I won 6-3, 6-3. Looks not that difficult, but have been a difficult match.

Q. Next up is John Isner. You played a couple weeks ago in the Laver Cup. Did you learn anything from that match? How do you feel going into the next match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Was a tough match, no? I think he played great. He is playing very well here. So going to be a big one, big test for me. I know I have to play my best to have my chances. If not, probably I will not have chances tomorrow.

I looking forward to try to play my best. I hope to be ready for it.

Q. Can you talk a little about the challenges of playing a big server as against playing someone who returns well.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, everybody knows the challenges about playing a big server: probably you will not have many chances on the return.

But the thing is not only that. John is a very good player from the baseline, too. I saw him today. He played so aggressive, having a lot of success, hitting a lot of winners, returning very well.

Everybody knows that he serve huge and is so difficult to break him. But if you add that he is playing very well now from the baseline, is one of the toughest opponents you can meet.

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