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October 5, 2017

Oliver Fisher

Carnoustie, Kingsbarns, St Andrews, Scotland

Q. 68 today, how was that?
OLIVER FISHER: Yeah, good. I was very pleased with my back nine, which was the front. It was playing tough today. I think I hit 3-iron into the second, and 6-iron into three, and 3-iron into four.

So those holes were playing probably as long as I've ever played them here. I think the fifth, I had 72 yards on and I hit driver, 3-wood, 9-iron, which that hole is usually a pretty much gimmie birdie. Very pleased with my back nine. I'm happy to get around here today in 4-under.

Q. What was the strength of your game today?
OLIVER FISHER: I think I holed out very well from sort of four or five foot. It wasn't easy on the greens, you know. When you play a season of golf like we've just played, the greens generally coming in here have all been fairly quick. And you come out into the breeze and the greens are a little slower than maybe what we play week-to-week on The European Tour, which obviously they have to be because of the conditions -- it's just a little bot to adjust to.

So I was pleased with the way I holed out. I drove the ball well coming in, which I was pleased with, too.

Q. Birdie at the last, at well, positive way to end?
OLIVER FISHER: Yeah, definitely. It was playing downwind. It probably was one of the easier holes out on the course today, so it was good to make a nice putt there.

Q. Carnoustie tomorrow, looking forward to it?
OLIVER FISHER: Yeah, always looking forward to Carnoustie. I think we kind of play it quite generously if the Dunhill Links here but it's always a great test. Hopefully the weather looks after us.

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