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October 1, 2017
Beijing, China
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. It's a short turnaround from Wuhan. Physically do you feel you're back to a good enough fitness with your leg and everything to play at your best here?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I'm trying to recover as fast as I can from Wuhan. We had already couple of days, so hopefully I'm prepared.
Q. This year you come back here being the world No. 1. Does it have a different feeling?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I don't think so. Maybe I just look more as a favorite. I'm always happy to be back here. Have good memories. But don't feel, like, that different.
Q. Is there added pressure of being a No. 1, or do you still take it in the same way? Do you have to prepare any differently?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: It's always a pressure to be No. 1, of course. But, you know, I'm just trying to learn from that, try to deal. I think it's a process.
I'm happy the way things are going, even if it's difficult.
Q. Today you didn't show up on the practice court. What happened?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: I decided to rest actually. I think recovery is very important. Today was one of those days where I think it's better to rest.
Q. How important is this period of the season to build momentum going into Singapore and kind of the final few tournaments of the year?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: You know, every tournament is very important. But, of course, now at the end of the year you kind of feel like you want to finish the best way possible.
So for me, this is my last tournament before Singapore. I really want to leave here with a good taste and get prepared for Singapore.
Q. Last year you wore a beautiful dress to the gala. How do you prepare for this year's gala?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I think I didn't think about it yet. It's a very nice party. Try to be as elegant as possible there (smiling).
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
