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September 1, 2017

Andrew Landry

Columbus, Ohio

ANDREW LANDRY: I'm hitting the ball well and that's kind of been the whole deal. I've been hitting the ball really well. The distance control has been spot on, and been playing smart. I mean the holes that I have wedges in I've been trying to go at some pins, and other times center of the green, this is a hard, hard golf course. So to go around it today bogey free it was pretty outstanding round, and I'm really looking forward to the next couple days.

Q. Chasing that No. 1 spot in either the 25 or the finals 25, is that a motivating factor?
ANDREW LANDRY: Not really. I mean I've gotten my card. It's just -- it really hasn't even came across my mind to be No. 1 again. It's just like I've gotta go out and do something special in these four events. I've just really been trying to just play well. And I've just been playing really bad for the last four or five weeks. So I've just been focusing on that and not really focusing on the money list. And whatever happens happens. Obviously I'm in contention now, so I'm obviously doing something right. So looking forward to maybe getting up there and capturing another victory for the season and trying to win the money list after that.

Q. Thoughts, Andrew, on being three back, I think, three back going into the weekend; chasing Keith, trying to get that second win of the season.
ANDREW LANDRY: I've just been -- I'm just going to have to stay patient. This is a pretty intense week with a lot of family members back home losing a lot of their stuff, and especially my brother, he lost everything with the hurricane. And I'm playing this week, and I'm going to donate a lot of my earnings to the Harvey victims, and we're going to try to get involved with that somehow or some way. So playing right now for Southeast Texas.

Q. I was going to say, could you just kind of tell us how everything is going for your family down there and how close it was and everything?
ANDREW LANDRY: Yeah. My brother has about six or seven feet of water inside his house. He's lost his truck. Thankfully they lost -- or they didn't lose their Suburban. It was parked at the airport. They were out in Portland with us. My parents, the same, were out in Portland with us. So their vehicles were fine. And then we're just going to play it by ear right now. They're not going to be able to get back into their house until maybe, maybe late next week to even see what the damage is. I mean I know that for sure they've got a lot of water in there. (Inaudible). Maybe I could take a trip down there and maybe volunteer a bit.

Q. Your parents' house was okay, though, you think?
ANDREW LANDRY: My parents' house is okay. As of right now, they're going to try to get back there actually today and kind of see what the damage is. They're going to either try to get back today or maybe tomorrow and see if their house is okay. They said the front of the house is fine, but we don't know about the backyard.

Q. How did they end up in Portland? They just decided when the storm was coming in to drive out there?
ANDREW LANDRY: To be honest, they were just like -- we just wanted to go out to -- they were going to hunker down and, you know, ride out the storm just like most of the people down there. They just wanted -- they didn't come the first time that I got my card, so they were like let's just make a trip up there with the family and go see him get his card. And we were celebrating that. And then we were out there getting pictures. And it's so devastating, the rainfall and just like what the water has done to that town, I mean it's truly been life changing.

So we'll see how it works out, though. There's been so many people volunteering down there and helping, the neighboring states. It's truly amazing to see all those people come together, you know, as one, and forget about the race, forget about democrat, republican, forget about everything and just true love comes out.

Q. For sure. So everyone's okay, though, health wise and everything?
ANDREW LANDRY: Yeah. Everything is healthy. Everybody is good. That's the most important part.

Q. For sure.
ANDREW LANDRY: Most of my family is fine, and so we'll get through all of it and we'll come out on top.

Q. How far are you all from the coast and everything? How far is it from Houston, your hometown?
ANDREW LANDRY: We're about like 70 -- probably 90 miles southeast of Houston. So we're right on the border of Louisiana, like Lake Charles area. I mean we can launch a boat from our house in 10 minutes. So I mean it's there. It's pretty heart breaking whenever they let the dam go over in dam B, which is just north of us, like in the Raven area, and once they let that go, it's going to be a couple days by the time it gets downstream and starts ruining more. It's going to rise three, four, five more feet down there. So it's going to be pretty messy. So hopefully my parents don't get water from that. So we'll find out in the next few days, though.

Q. So you're expecting to go down next week and try and help your brother out?
ANDREW LANDRY: We're going to try to. Obviously playoffs is a huge part right now, but I gotta be there for my family.

Q. Have you talked to any other tour guys down there?
ANDREW LANDRY: Yeah. Davi had probably about four feet of water in his house. He was showing me some pictures of it. And I think Stroud luckily lives in the Woodland. My caddy, Terry. And they didn't get any water in their house. But I know that there was a lot of people that got affected by that. It's just a heart-breaking story.

Q. So your caddy, everything is okay with his place?
ANDREW LANDRY: Yeah. Everything is good with his place. The Woodlands is kind of on the north side of Houston, so it didn't get the whole thing. Just kind of got a little bit of water.

Q. Is your family here this week?
ANDREW LANDRY: They are not. They've been staying at my house in Austin this entire week. They drove down this morning to Houston to try to see if they could eventually get into Beaumont. They're starting to open up some roadways, but if they can't get in, my aunt has a place in Kemah, just right on the Galveston Bay. So they're going to go to her place and maybe stay a couple of days if they can't get in.

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