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August 31, 2017

Gerina Piller

Portland, Oregon

Q. Nice round of 69 today. It's been an exciting couple weeks for you. Solheim Cup where your husband, Martin, was watching you, and last week you traded favors and watched him as he tried to secure his tour card.

Q. What was that like for you? Must've been nerve wracking.
GERINA PILLER: You know, I don't really get nervous when he plays because he's a great player. It's always nice to be with each other because... (plane interference.)

Just says a lot that he's putting his card on hold to come support me, and vice versa. Not that I am vying for my card, but I skipped last week to come out and support him.

It's just great to have each other around and just have that support.

Q. Last week was probably pretty nice for you too, just to put your clubs aside? Solheim Cup week is really taxing emotionally.
GERINA PILLER: Yes. Physically, emotionally, mentally, I was toast. I think I talked to Carlota today and she's still tired; I'm still tired.

You're so high for so much on that week. Your adrenaline is going and just doesn't stop. You don't realize how tired you are and until you sit down, and that's when you just crash.

Q. Describe what it's like when you're holding that trophy up and celebrating after two years of hoping, and wishing, and working for it? What's it really like?
GERINA PILLER: It's just amazing feeling. It's amazing being on a team that comes together and plays as a team. All year long we're playing against each another, trying to beat each other.

A lot of these girls have never played on a team before. I was fortunate enough that's all I did when I grew up.

To have girls kind of put their guard, be vulnerable, and play for each other is pretty special. To come out with the Solheim Cup again and regain the Cup was really cool.

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