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August 20, 2017

Pierre-Hugues Herbert

Nicolas Mahut

Cincinnati, Ohio


7-6, 6-4

Q. Tell me how the match went and how you're feeling going into Winston-Salem.
PIERRE-HUGUES HERBERT: I think it was a great final, a great level of doubles. Both teams are playing well. It was all played on one, two, three points.

So it was a great match, and we came out winning this. So it's amazing feeling right now and we are just happy to win.

Q. One comment on the great return for match point.
PIERRE-HUGUES HERBERT: What can I say? Sometimes you don't understand everything. The only thing I know, I was in the game, I was ready for this return. He made an unbelievable first serve, and I put my racquet and played the perfect shot.

I couldn't play a better return than this one. So, yeah, it's just an amazing feeling to hit such shots.

Q. Nico, from your side of the match, how did everything go today? It was a pretty close final there with a great amount of fans in the Grandstand.
NICOLAS MAHUT: Yeah, it was good to play in front of many fans today. Hopefully we played before ladies final, so was good.

I think Jamie and Bruno played really great tennis, I mean, all the week and today. A little bit lucky to get the first one, and then, well, at the end, we won the match. It was really, really close, but was on our side today.

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