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July 20, 2017

Laura Diaz

Toledo, Ohio

Q. It's like 2014 all over again.
LAURA DIAZ: Oh, well, not exactly. I think I started 2014 a little stronger. That would have been really nice today. But no complaints. You know, this is only my third event of the year, and I love coming to Toledo. So happy to have Marathon continuing to sponsor. The changes to the golf course have been amazing. It's great to be back. I still have my shirt that a nice spectator gave me that said "holy Toledo" in 2014.

Q. Is there something about this golf course that fits your eye?
LAURA DIAZ: I don't know, I guess so. You know, I think that my career has just been up and down, and you have good days and you have bad days. Hopefully I can figure out how to make it look the same to me the next three days. Working on a few things, and sometimes I have to back away and reconfigure and try it again. I think that today it fit my eye, and just I know it's boring, but one shot at a time and see what I can do.

Q. Obviously you can't win the tournament today, but you put yourself in a really good position right now. You have to feel really good about that.
LAURA DIAZ: Yeah, I feel good. First 4-under of the year. You know, it's good. It's always nice to finish with 4-4 and almost chip it in on the last. It was a good day. I have my brother's girlfriend here caddying for me. I've been able to have my son caddie for me throughout the year. So it's good. I've got both the kids here. It's a fun week, and we stay in great housing here. I couldn't ask for a better place to come for seven days.

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