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July 2, 2017

Jon Rahm

Paris, France

Q. Your first your first European Tour event on European soil and you shot 69 in the final round to finish 5-under. Reflect on your weekend for us.
JON RAHM: Today was a little better day, a little less stress because I drove the ball much better off the tee. Hit a couple more fairways but somehow I still struggled to make some pars and especially to make the birdies. My putter wasn't as hot today as it was the other day but overall, bogey-free, 2-under par, on this golf course, I'll take it any day.

I don't know what my position is right now, hopefully Top 15. It's a great start for my European Tour career.

Q. You're off to play in The Irish Open next week and a week off and then you'll play in The Open Championship. Two weeks of links golf, British links golf. How much are you looking forward to it?
JON RAHM: I'm looking forward to it. I haven't played my best golf yet in Ireland, so I'm really looking forward to it and hopefully get some experience in the Irish so I can apply it in The Open. I'm really looking forward to it because I know how much fun Portstewart is. I've played this golf course and it's a beautiful place, and also I can't wait to play in The Open my second year in a row. Very excited about it and hopefully I can get some good golf going.

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