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June 16, 2017

Chez Reavie

Erin, Wisconsin

Q. Great round of golf out there today, especially coming off the morning today. They didn't think those scores were out there. Talk about your round.
CHEZ REAVIE: Played solid today. I was able to hit most of the fairways, I think I missed one fairway today. I had a lot of irons in my hands. I played smart for the most part. When I had longer clubs, I played to the center part of the greens. When I had some good numbers, I was able to hit the club.

Q. What is your gut going into the weekend being right here in contention at a U.S. Open?
CHEZ REAVIE: It's just plugging along. Out here, I mean, the fairways are wide, but if you miss the fairways you can really get beat up. Just try and put the ball in the fairways and pick your spots.

Q. What was your mindset coming into today?
CHEZ REAVIE: Yesterday I hit the ball really well, also, I three-putted. But I played well. I knew I could shoot a few under par and make the cut. You don't think you're going to shoot 7-under par at the U.S. Open, and I knew I could make a few birdies and make the cut and give myself a chance on the weekend.

Q. What's your difference with your game this year?
CHEZ REAVIE: I got off to a good start this year. There was a little lull in the middle. I just am scoring better. I didn't feel like I was hitting the ball poorly. I was making a few mistakes and making double bogeys. Out here, you get lapped if you do that. Fortunately I haven't done that the last few weeks.

Q. A lot of folks have sticker shock with the yardage of this course?
CHEZ REAVIE: It's tough. If you can carry it 300 in the air, you have a massive advantage, because you can get it over some of the upslopes. But the key is you have to be in the fairway. If you're not in the fairway, you're going to struggle. So that helps me.

Q. There are a variety of styles, what is it about this golf course that allows you to go about it whatever way you choose?
CHEZ REAVIE: If you play smart, and even if you have longer irons into the greens, if you play to the fat side you can get it up and down out here. I wouldn't say it's easy, but definitely you have a decent chance to get balls up and down. If you don't make many bogeys, you're going to be tough to beat.

Q. 7-under for 11 or 12 holes, were you thinking about a low number?
CHEZ REAVIE: Yeah, 7-under par. Of course, after watching Rickie shoot 7-under, I know it was a low round. I did everything I could to make more birdies coming in. It's tough out there. Fortunately I was able to keep it at 7.

Q. (Inaudible.)
CHEZ REAVIE: Yeah, it's like No. 5, I believe it was, I hit it in the middle of the fairway. I had 210 to the flag, it's close over the bunker. My caddie was like, play it out to the right, play it up the hill. I wiggled it at the pin, plugged it in the bunker short and made a birdie. I got out of my game plan for that one particular shot and paid the price.

Q. (Inaudible.)
CHEZ REAVIE: Yeah, yeah, if you can have uphill putts out here, you can be a little more aggressive. The hard part is to have the uphill putts, usually you're on the shorter side of the hole. You have to play with a false edge or something over there. If you have uphill putts, like on the first hole I was able to have an uphill putt and I can be more aggressive.

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