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June 11, 2017

Alena Sharp

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Q. Maybe not the round you were looking for, but tell us about how the last week has been here at whistle beer.
ALENA SHARP: It's been an amazing week. I played well today actually. I played better today than yesterday. Just hit one bad shot on the last and didn't make any putts, so it's kind of not sitting well at this moment.

But, I mean, the fan support was amazing. My family was here. I love playing in front of them. Just to have a chance to win was awesome. In your own country? I mean it's hard to do. I was really happy how I handled myself. It's a great start to seven weeks, and I'm looking forward to continuing the good stretch.

Q. Was there added pressure being Canadian knowing that a Canadian hasn't won in like 40 years? Was that a chip on your shoulder? Was that pressure for you?
ALENA SHARP: I wouldn't say it's a chip on the shoulder. I think maybe a little bit of pressure, but I don't think about it. I mean, yes, if I were only to get one win in my career I would want it to be in Canada.

For sure every week I go out I want to win. Definitely try harder here in Canada.

Q. Everyone said the conditions were tough today. How did they feel to you? What were the challenges?
ALENA SHARP: I played late yesterday so it was the same. Just the course is a little bit firmer today just from the winds from yesterday and the heat today. So that played a little bit difficult.

But I thought the pins were a little bit more gettable today. Yesterday we had a couple downwind pins in the front and you just can't get it close.

Definitely you could get some more birdie opportunities today than yesterday.

Q. What happened on 18? Was that a penalty stroke?
ALENA SHARP: I hit it left and it's not a hazard, so I had to take an unplayable. It was too far in there -- it was behind a rock -- for me to even try to chip it out.

I tried to drop just to see, because there was fluffy rough, but it didn't stay in the rough. It ran into the weeds and chipped it out. I took a chance to see maybe if it stops on the hill then I can get it on the green and make bogey.

Q. Between a rock and a hard place.
ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I guess so. (Laughter.)

Q. This might be the tournament's last year. If it were to go, sad? Disappointed?
ALENA SHARP: Yeah, totally sad and disappointing to see if it doesn't come back. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone else will pick it up. I'm from this area, so always love playing close to home.

Q. How are the stops in Canada received from other women on the tour that you talk to?
ALENA SHARP: I think everybody loves playing in Canada. We're treated very well at this tournament and the Canadian Open. I think they love coming to play here. The crowds are always amazing and the fans are so nice to everybody, not just the Canadian players. I think everybody sees that.

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