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May 25, 2017

Bradley Dredge

Surrey, England

Q. Was that a case of two contrasting nines for you today?
BRADLEY DREDGE: Yeah, it was a bit -- throughout the day, was a bit up-and-down with my ball-striking. Wasn't my best off the tee at times. Some scrambling was going on. But I had some really good approach play, some good approach iron shots. So set me up some birdies and not so many eagles, so it was quite a mixed bag.

Q. Plenty of positive comments from the players about the changes here. Do you concur with those?
BRADLEY DREDGE: Yeah, definitely. I've struggled around this course, and condition has always been an issue. It's nice now. We can go on the course and you can feel as though you can make some putts. The bunkers are so much better. So you'll feel as though you can play the golf course now.

Q. Not a tournament that's been particularly kind to you in the past, so is it even more satisfying to get off to say solid start in the opening round?
BRADLEY DREDGE: Yeah, that's my best ever round. It's been 15, 16 starts around here. Never been one of my favourite places, and I think I wasn't really going to come here until they made the changes, and I thought, right, just go and play somewhere else. Some places just don't suit you.

So it was nice to play the course, and plus I played on Tuesday and it was nice to sort of play it and think, yeah, the greens are really good, they have done a great job on the slopes, done a good job on the bunkers and it feels like you can play the course.

Q. You've been on the Tour for a number of years. How excited are you about the advent of this Rolex Series that starts now with some big events?
BRADLEY DREDGE: Yeah, it's great for the guys. They are trying to be a bit more innovative with the TV, as well, and I think it's a really good idea to try to get the crowd involved a little bit more.

You know, from a player's point of view, that's what we want, as well. So it's great to have these tournaments. They made a massive effort again this week. BMW always put on some great tournaments for us, so yeah, it's a pleasure to be part of.

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