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May 13, 2017

Ian Poulter

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Q. Talk about your round today, only bogey-free round of the day. Obviously with conditions just talk about how good that was.
IAN POULTER: Yeah, it was -- walking to the -- before I even teed off, Pat Perez walked in the locker room, I saw he posted 6-under, which is an incredible round of golf. Then as I get out on the range I can see it blowing 25 mile an hour wind and I thought, wow, this is going to be a proper test of golf. So, to go bogey-free out there today was incredible. As you said, the only bogey-free round of the day, so obviously I've kept mistakes off the card, I played very patient golf, I tried to play as sensible as I can, tried not to take on any silly risks out there. I would like to have holed a couple more putts, short putt missed at 10 from five foot from a good 9-iron, a look there on 16, 17. And a few others around the front nine which potentially I could have taken. But if you would have handed me a scorecard which said it would have added up to 71 free round, I would have taken it.

Q. Earlier you had two bogeys at 8 on first and second round but you had a par at 8. How big was that 5-footer at that hole?
IAN POULTER: I don't remember the two bogeys.

Q. How big was the 5-footer today for par today?
IAN POULTER: Look, it's a tricky hole, right? Even with the new green, it's a softened green, but when you're standing there, today it's 248 yards with wind off the right, it's daunting. It's a very tricky hole, it's going to catch a lot of players out and obviously 3 is a great score. So when you stand on that hole you're trying to knock it somewhere front half of that green, 2-putt and get off.

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