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April 16, 2017

Branden Grace

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Q. Pretty decent day?
BRANDEN GRACE: It was all right. Obviously I would have enjoyed to be a few better. I thought I played a lot better than what the end result was. Yesterday and today I left a few out there. But probably going to finish outside the top-10 or top-15 or something.

I'm happy. It's always nice to come back. It's nice to see the way they do it and it was nice to be a defending champion on such a tournament as this.

Q. Looking like you're trending in the right direction for this season, as well?
BRANDEN GRACE: Yeah, definitely. I felt the game was coming along a couple of weeks ago. And last week was obviously progressing the right way.

And obviously this week I would have enjoyed to be better. But I still feel there's a lot of positives. It's one of those that if it just goes your way a couple of times out there, the scores instead of being 3-under it's going to be 6- or 7-under. So I'm excited and look forward to when that happens.

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