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March 29, 2017

Rafael Nadal

Miami, Florida

R. NADAL/J. Sock

6-2, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. The six break points saved, do you think that was the difference in the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: In the second set, yes; in the first, probably not. In the first set I think I was under control during the whole set, because was so important for me to have the break in the first game that I was returning, no?

So, yeah, in the second was so important to save that game, the 2-Love, 15-40. Another break point for him was decisive on the match, that game, and then confirm that save having the break back in the next game.

So was two straight positive things and two straight games that probably create a lot of damage on the opponent, no?

Q. You've got Fognini up next. Talk about the challenges he presents.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I know him very well; he know me very well. We played couple of times; he beat me couple of times, too.

So, yeah, it's a tough match. He's playing well, so will be a good tennis for me, too, and a good challenge. Happy to be in the semifinals. I'm excited about play that semifinals match against a player who's playing very, very well during the whole week.

Going to be a tough one. I need to play my best, keep playing aggressive like I did today, and hope to have my chances.

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