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March 24, 2017

Kevin Na

Austin, Texas

Q. You just won in the first playoff hole. You were saying before we came on the air that sand wedge was one of the most clutch shots you'd ever hit in your professional career under pressure. So what was it like?
KEVIN NA: It doesn't matter who you are in a playoff you're going to be nervous. And my attitude going to this hole was play aggressive. Be aggressive. I hit a hard drive. I had a perfect yardage for a sand wedge. That back pin is a little bit scary. You hit it long, you're dead. I actually hit the best shot. And you know what my last thought was? I was thinking about my daughter, Sophia. And that's it. And trying to find a happy thought. And it worked.

Q. It definitely worked. This was the stage last year you got knocked out. How does it feel to win this in a playoff the way you did it?
KEVIN NA: A little bit of revenge. Last year I played so good. Two wins and a halve against Rory with five birdies and no bogeys. And it was unfortunate to lose in a playoff.

Today I had it going, and tell you what, Chris Wood just stepped it up. He made four birdies and an eagle in a nine hole stretch. I made a couple of mistakes, but I couldn't keep up. It was frustrating it was in a playoff. But I put that behind me. And like I said, all I was trying to think about was being aggressive and it worked great.

Q. We were trying to figure out how that shot didn't go in, it was that close?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, I thought it was going to go in. That would have been in style.

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