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March 22, 2017
Miami, Florida
A. BARTY/E. Bouchard
6-4, 5-7, 6-3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How do you stay positive after a match like that which was really close and tough?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I mean, I don't really feel positive right now, so...
Q. What would you say are the issues you have to deal with your in game at the moment after two disappointing tournaments? What are you going to be focusing on to improve?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I don't know. It's been a bit of a struggle. I'll ask my coach.
Q. What would you say the toughest part is having so much attention on you all the time?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: Um, yeah, it's different; it's different than when I was coming up and playing. Sometimes it's hard to deal with.
Q. Do you have any comments on her story, coming back from like taking time off and playing cricket and being such a good athlete?
EUGENIE BOUCHARD: I think that's awesome. She's a really nice girl, so I hope she does well.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
