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March 22, 2017

Kevin Na

Austin, Texas

Q. Kevin, your group, some prodigious young players with Justin Thomas and Matthew Fitzpatrick, but you handled that match against Fitzpatrick very nice. 5 & 4 victory. How did you set it up?
KEVIN NA: I played really solid today. Front nine I made probably three birdies and an 8-footer for eagle that was given to me. I made no bogeys. And even all the way to the end, I made one bogey. But all I needed to do was make a bogey to win the match.

So overall I played really solid. I didn't make a lot of mistakes. Quite a lot of pressure.

Q. You must feel great going into your big match against Justin Thomas tomorrow, which ultimately could decide this group?
KEVIN NA: It's not over until it's over. Last year I won the first two matches, halved the third, and I was the only guy not to advance with two and a half points.

So, yes, obviously Justin Thomas is a strong seed in our bracket, in our pod, so tomorrow is going to be a big day.

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