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March 18, 2017

Yung-Jan Chan

Martina Hingis

Indian Wells, California


7-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Not bad for a new team, is it?
MARTINA HINGIS: No, definitely. I mean, it's our third event together, and, yeah, in my case, definitely it's better that we played in Doha, Dubai, already to try to find each other on the court and see what works, what doesn't, and try to get better on it.

But especially here, it felt like we got better each match and start to trust each other and know what to do on big points. I mean, today, even in the second set, I think, even in the first set we were sometimes back, but we came back because we knew we could come out of difficult situations.

And especially even in the second set, I mean, every game, three times we were down 40-15, 40-Love, and we still came back and won those games.

Q. You struggled a little bit in the first set and were getting frustrated out there. And your partner, Latisha, you did a great job of picking her up. Is that one of the reasons that you think you did well today? I know the second set you came back, but the first set, the one time with the racquet. So this was important that Latisha was there for you, wasn't it?
MARTINA HINGIS: No, for sure. That's what team spirit is all about. I mean, it can happen either way. Sometimes I need a lift, sometimes she needs a lift.

So whatever works to make it through and to get that win. Today I was, yeah, definitely -- especially, like, on my serve, you know, didn't get enough first serves in. I know it was, like, she had to pay for it sometimes. I'm, like, okay, just put the first serve in and try to make it work.

You know, she's like, Don't worry about me. She's there like a warrior standing behind the net.

But everybody was struggling, I think, on the service games today. I think it was more off sometimes because it's so hot and bouncy, the court, and it's too much times the serve is not as effective.

So it's easier. And we were all great singles players, whether in the present or in the past. We all can return. That's the turning key, actually, was today to do something about the service games.

YUNG-JAN CHAN: Yeah, I think at the beginning they start to push us pretty hard. At the beginning was quite difficult for us and to find a rhythm, and then to, you know, put the returns in or even put the first serves in. And I got broke in the first game already.

So, well, I need to hold her together so we can come back. So, I mean, I know that she would have done the same thing for me. Yeah, I think that's the team spirit.

Q. How did your partnership come about in the first place? You said you were playing with your sister? When did Martina come in the picture?
YUNG-JAN CHAN: Actually, I was playing with my sister full time for a couple of years. And the beginning of the year, we were not playing so well. Then there is one point that we were both talking about maybe splitting to find a new partner, to find, you know, find new sparkle. That's when Martina shows up (smiling).

We were practicing, I was serving and my sister returning. And then she was -- we were sharing the court. Then she came, and we play a few points, few games. She was, like, Oh, if Angel, for some reason, she couldn't play or if you need a new partner, just give me a call. That's how it happened.

Q. Where was that? Where were you sharing the court?
YUNG-JAN CHAN: It was in Melbourne. Australian Open.

MARTINA HINGIS: Rainy days in Melbourne, the rare rainy days.

Q. What makes doubles so special here? I mean, I know there was a big crowd and everything, but Indian Wells and Latisha, too, what made today -- with the crowd, did that help?
YUNG-JAN CHAN: Definitely. There is a lot of people watching doubles here and supporting us. I mean, last time when I was in final it was 10 years ago. And then it's great to be in a final again and with Martina.

I mean, we're just trying to play our best tennis today. Yeah, just trying to, you know, bring out the best of each other.

Q. Martina, what's it mean to you? I love the smile. You were such a great singles player here. To come back and win with Latisha today, it looks like you're over the moon. What's it mean for you to win at this venue?
MARTINA HINGIS: Especially, you know, I'm not getting younger. 36 years of age. I won here a couple years ago with Sania, and I felt great. Every time I go out there and play a match, it's like a bonus.

You know, being in the finals again already, beating the top teams on the way with Sania and Barbora and couple days ago.

You know, so it's still being a threat. I mean, I guess, it's the challenge, I accept it, and I welcome it. This is very satisfying to me.

Winning the title, like today, I think everybody, just the two weeks, it took a lot out of us, out of everybody, to even get to the finals. It wasn't quite the best match from all of us.

But I think just at the end, you know, we were mentally stronger, because we won the quarters and the semis against the better teams. I think that made a difference at the end.

Q. What does this title mean to you, and how do you explain it to have such a good performance after the first and second ones didn't go so well?
YUNG-JAN CHAN: Well, for the first two tournaments in Middle East, we were trying. We know each other as opponent. We didn't know how to work, and we spent a lot of time on court, off court, try to know each other and try to build up the trust between each other.

I think those two tournaments, even though we didn't win the title or didn't get into the final, but still help us a lot. With those two weeks, it's, like, that's where we are winning the title here. I think that's actually key. As a partner, you can't expect, once you play together, you can win the titles all the time. You still need time. Those two tournaments help us a lot.

Q. You won one title in three tournaments. Do you have any goal for this season?
MARTINA HINGIS: Well, of course, I mean, once you win a title, you always aim quite high. I think both of us, we are champions in our domain, and I think this is the key, definitely, after, especially now, being able to play against top teams and winning. Singapore is definitely one of the big goals throughout the season, obviously, and doing well at the Grand Slams. Hopefully winning more titles.

This is, like, the thing you aim for, right? I think we deserve this win because we did well, and we beat the best teams out there, the best couples. It's not like a fluke. I think it's three great matches that we played.

Q. You mentioned how you were in the final here in 2007. 10 years ago. You were so young back then.

Q. What do you remember from that final? How are you different now as a tennis player?
YUNG-JAN CHAN: Well, definitely. I was 17 and now I'm 27 (smiling).

But, I mean, that was actually my first Indian Wells, and...


YUNG-JAN CHAN: Yeah. Everything was so new for me. I wasn't really know everybody. Just playing whenever I can. Now it's, like, I need to come out with something, with experience and you need to read the game better, and you need to do a lot of communication with your partner.

I think after winning this title, it's, like, officially we are one of the best teams now. Yeah.

So I think this title also means a lot to me, and then also proved that those 10 years didn't waste (smiling).

MARTINA HINGIS: Also, like the Australian Open when I played you, it was, like, that was the match that you made finals at a Grand Slam. And knowing each other as opponents, we played all the time for moments, especially the Asian tour.

YUNG-JAN CHAN: Every week.

MARTINA HINGIS: We played each other every week. Always the big events, quarterfinals, semis, and finals. We knew exactly what to expect from one another. But still, like, having to figure out when we play together, and I think this week it just all clicked, yeah.

YUNG-JAN CHAN: I think when we were at Singapore at locker room we were still opponents, and I remember Martina said to me -- because we just beat someone who was really strong at that time.

And then she said, I think, because we play against each other every single week, and that's why our games are much better than our teams. So, like, we were building each other up even as opponents.

So I think that's what the best players do, you know. You build each other up and your opponents, as well. I think that's why this team could work.

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