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January 18, 2017

Garbine Muguruza

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

G. MUGURUZA/S. Crawford

7-5, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How were you feeling today?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: A little bit better. Honestly, I think the time is helping me. Hopefully now the next day is going to help me recover even more.

Q. Today was just a match about playing without any concern about your body?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Well, I definitely had a concern. But I knew I had to go out there and play with what I have. You know, I went, try to play my normal tennis, try to be focused. It was important match. Tough opponent actually.

Yeah, I'm very happy with this win.

Q. Having two matches under your belt, how confident are you feeling going into the second week of the tournament?
GARBINE MUGURUZA: Honestly, I think every match is completely different. For sure it helps. But that my next round is a tricky match, I look forward for it. It helped me, I played two matches. I'm going to try to use that.

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