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January 2, 2017

Rafael Nadal

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

A flash interview with:


THE MODERATOR: We have one of the world's greatest tennis superstars with us, Rafa Nadal. It's great to see how many people have turned out.

It's Rafa's first time in Queensland, so I think it's important that we give Rafa a great Queensland welcome and give him a visit that he'll never forget.

In terms of the Brisbane International, the Queensland government is very proud to have announced that we will be continuing as a major sponsor to the Brisbane International, and we look forward to working frequently with the special committee and with Tennis Australia to keep putting on a fantastic show for Queenslanders and for Australians across the nation who have come to the Brisbane International before the first Grand Slam of the year.

Now it's my absolute pleasure to introduce Rafa, a 14-Grand Slam champion here in Queensland.


Q. How does it feel to be here?
RAFAEL NADAL: It's great. For me, it's a special moment because I always had a great feeling in this country. I only played in Melbourne and Sydney but I had to retire.

For me to be here for the first time, it's something special. I'm looking forward to compete and to see the great centre court that everybody, all the players say is so special.

Q. You've usually gone to the Middle East. Why the tournament here?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, this year I decided to be here in Australia. As I said before, good connection with the people here in Australia.

I like to know different places. It's true that Doha worked well for me in the past, but here Brisbane is something that probably will help me to adapt for me quicker to the Australian conditions that are always a little bit tougher in terms of weather, no?

So just excited, and at the same time a lot of people told me great things about this event. Just happy to be here. Just arrived. I can't talk about it yet, because I just came here. But I know Tennis Australia is doing unbelievable things, great things for our sport, improving all the tournaments a lot. I'm sure this tournament will not be an exception, no?

The draw is so difficult. A lot of great players here. I just want to have a great showing.

Q. Your success in Abu Dhabi, does it increase your confidence that the wrist is fully healed?
RAFAEL NADAL: I played a lot in Abu Dhabi, no? Just a couple of matches, but I played three good matches. That's important for me. Because I played that well there, the timing here to adapt myself to the tournament is not very long. I play tomorrow. I will have this afternoon, and I cannot practice a lot after long travel.

But I'm gonna do my best. Tomorrow is important day, the start, and if I am able to go through tomorrow, then I have one day off.

So that helps. Tomorrow gonna be a very important day for me, and I am very focused and try to do the best things possible to try to be ready for tomorrow. I really hope that the good matches that I played in Abu Dhabi helps me for here.

Q. Have you felt you needed, in previous Australian Opens, to be out here longer to acclimatize?
RAFAEL NADAL: I played well in Australia a lot of times. I was not very lucky in Melbourne for a couple of years. I got injured.

But even like this, I was able to put me in a position to have chances to win more times than what I did, no? But, no, every year is different. All the players are changing schedules. You know, being here in Brisbane, as I said before, is good news for me. I like Australia, and this year -- well, last year already I decided to come here before.

I don't know if that gonna helps better or not. I can tell you after Melbourne (smiling). I cannot predict the future. I better don't say nothing than don't say anything.

The real thing is I happy to be here. I like the country. I feel happy that people always make me feel special and happy when I'm here. Good people and atmosphere. I am excited to be here.

Q. Is it fun to play relatively pain-free after the last two years?
RAFAEL NADAL: 2015 -- well, the negative thing is the year I was playing worse, I didn't get injured. (Laughter.)

The year that I have more problems I was healthy during the whole year. You cannot manage that, no? Last year that I was playing great, I get injured in the worst moment possible.

But that's like this. Sport is like this. I am happy to be back on the competition again. I can say I worked in Mallorca for one month and a half. I prepared myself as much as I can in terms of physical performance on the court.

Just excited to compete again. And Abu Dhabi was a good start. I need to continue that way.

Q. Not an easy draw for you here. Dolgopolov, he's beaten you twice, and Milos...
RAFAEL NADAL: Nobody have an easy draw here in Brisbane. The draw is so difficult. Great players. There is no one space on the draw that you can say, Okay, this draw is better, no?

All players in the main draw are tough players. You can see, first round, David Ferrer against Bernard. Tonight, Steve Johnson against Dimitrov. All matches are difficult. You need to be ready for everything if you want to play a tournament like this.

Q. Do you think you can challenge at the Grand Slams now?
RAFAEL NADAL: I cannot tell that, because as I say before, I cannot predict the future. So I don't want to say things that I cannot say, because I don't know.

The only thing I can say is if I am healthy, I believe that I can do it. If not, I will be at home fishing. (Laughter.)

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