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October 9, 2016

Rafael Nadal

Pablo Carreno Busta

Beijing, China


6-7, 6-2, 10-8

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. It was a tough battle. Rafa, are you happy to end this week on a good note? Pablo, can you talk about your past month, playing pretty good tennis?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, win is always a win. That's like this. We enjoy together. We played some good matches here, I think, winning against some good players.

Yeah, is always a positive thing finish a tournament with a victory, even if it's in doubles. That makes you feel on competition, too. You feel happier going to the next tournament.

Especially winning with a good friend, too, is something that is a bit more special. So we're happy for that.

PABLO CARRENO BUSTA: For me also I think we are focused in the singles. But when you lose in singles, you continue play in doubles. You try to do your best.

Always win is important. So I think we are ready to go to Shanghai now and to play singles again.

Q. This morning you spent a lot of time practicing net play. How do you feel about your net performance?
RAFAEL NADAL: This morning we practiced like a normal practice. Doubles is not a big deal for us in terms of physical performance. For sure, when you are in a final, you want to be ready to try to win it because always a title is a title. That's another title, and an important one, because is a great event.

But, you know, for us the goal is try to be ready for the next week, too. We practice for one hour and a half, more or less, trying to work the things that we need to work for next week.

PABLO CARRENO BUSTA: I completely agree (smiling).

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