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March 23, 2001

Marat Safin


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. King of Boston, why are you playing these matches when you're injured?

MARAT SAFIN: I think if you want me honest, to be honest with you, I think it's the rules what they make, ATP. We have to make -- we have to play all the Super 9s - sorry, Masters Series called now. Otherwise, you have no points. You have one point and, I mean, you have to try. So that's why I'm playing. I don't -- even they told me is maybe problem for the rib, can be broken. Actually the muscle is okay, everything is okay, but I was speaking with Fabrice Santoro and Gustavo Kuerten, they just told me, "Listen, check again, because maybe it can be the rib which is little bit broken or something happen with it." Because they have the same story. So that's why I'm playing here. That's why I tried. I came to Indian Wells and here. I have to try. Actually, it's little bit -- you saw the match, so you know how I feel.

Q. Is there any sense that the reason you played was because you owe it to tennis or you owe it to the fans that came to watch you?

MARAT SAFIN: It's a difficult question. I mean, I think you guys -- I don't have to explain to you because there are some things I cannot tell you; you have to think about your own why I played, why I came here. You think about it. (Smiling.) I think is not so difficult to understand.

Q. How painful was it out there?

MARAT SAFIN: I mean, I couldn't serve more than 100 miles per hour. 98 was my fastest serve, and I make an ace.

Q. What will you do now?

MARAT SAFIN: What I will do now? I will just come back to Europe, try to get some treatment because it cannot go like this because I cannot serve. I mean, you cannot play against these guys without serve. It's little bit -- is ridiculous what I make today on the court because you always under pressure, you not comfortable with -- I know because all -- you think all the time they're all here, you know, the guys putting pressure on you, he's serving, he's doing everything. I'm just trying to put inside the ball and make the point. Is not my game. Is difficult for me to build a point because I don't have free points. The other guy, when he is -- he can make few good serves and the game is over, so he doesn't give me any chances. It's little bit tough.

Q. The doctors told you if you rest and treat it, approximately how long will it take to get rid of the problem?

MARAT SAFIN: Up to one month.

Q. One month?

MARAT SAFIN: Even more. So that's why I'm telling that it's little bit -- I don't think it's correct. I think they have to check the rule again, the guys from ATP. Because right now I was injured, right, they made me play Indian Wells and Key Biscayne. So really is not good for my back, right? So if I will not play, I will be okay, ready for Davis Cup or at least for Monte Carlo. Now, I don't know when I am going to be ready. Now I am not sure. So I think that the guys, the people from ATP, they have to think a little bit about -- they have to put themselves in my situation. My situation now is not of the best. I lost to -- I have two points, two Super 9s, Masters Series, I don't know if I'm going to be okay for Monte Carlo. It's already three points. The guys, I'm far from the Top 10.

Q. If you had decided not to play, I hate to say the difference between one point and zero points, did you consider at any point not playing at all?

MARAT SAFIN: That's why I told you to think a little bit about it. You ask can them why I played. I don't want to explain, because I think it's -- you understand this why I don't want to explain. Ask the guys a question, "Why?" If you change the rules, you ask the guys from ATP why I played. They explain you, very simple. Because I don't want to get in this -- because maybe it's some of you guys, they will not understand this. And you will look at me like different view. I don't -- I like you guys. I hope you like me. I don't want a big fight here. But, yes, I'm angry. I'm angry with ATP. I'm angry with all the guys, you know, who are working there because I have this thing because they don't think about me. I think they don't care what's going on with me, what's gonna happen with me, if I will be okay in one month. And the guys, I mean it's -- I'm disappointed because if I'm injured, I'm coming there to their office, "Listen, guys. I'm injured. My rib is broken. I can't play. Leave me alone, I'll go back home, I'll try to get the treatment and come to Key Biscayne in perfect conditions and make the big show for the people." I think it's more fun for people watching me play 100 percent than to see Safin at 20 percent on the court suffering from everything, like handicapped. I have the strength on my ass even. I mean, I'm just -- I'm coming in with this really ridiculous belt there and the guy, he cannot play. He has to go to hospital.

Q. I don't understand this. I mean, if you're hurt, you don't -- you just decide, "I'm not playing," and that's it. Who tells you? No one puts you in handcuffs, takes you to the court and tells you you have to play?

MARAT SAFIN: Ask them. I'll call somebody from ATP and ask them why I came here. They'll explain, I promise, they'll explain to you why. Even him, he knows. Him, he knows why I am here. Really, the guy, he knows why I came here. Why I stayed here from Indian Wells in Miami. He knows why.

Q. You had such a great year last year. Is this a problem for you starting this year with this kind of difficulty when you're looking ahead to things you have to defend, especially like the US Open title?

MARAT SAFIN: I think, listen, the health is the most important thing. I think, no, it's just because, I don't know, I don't feel healthy. It's just you have problems, problems each time coming out. And it's, I don't know, you don't -- I don't feel comfortable. I don't think it's -- it's difficult. Because if you will play like this, especially if you have somebody that push you to come to tournaments.

Q. I hate to change the subject, I have to ask you, when you were a kid you played in Valencia. Did you practice with Juan Carlos Ferrero there?

MARAT SAFIN: Yeah, I practice.

Q. A lot?

MARAT SAFIN: Not a lot. Few times.

Q. Were you good buddies there?

MARAT SAFIN: I mean, he's in different city. We know each other. (Inaudible) But we're not family.

Q. The match was very close actually by score towards the end. Did you think you had a chance to win it?

MARAT SAFIN: Yeah, I do. After match he just tell me, "I am happy that you lose, that you lost." Because, I mean, if I would win today I can't play tomorrow. I mean, against Escude. I don't want to say Balcells is not a good player, but they have guys like Escude, they have more experience. They already know how to play against me. Especially they know what happen in my back. I mean, it's...

Q. Did you use a Dunlap today?

MARAT SAFIN: No, it was a head. .

Q. You didn't break any, did you?


Q. We've asked everybody else about Venus Williams. She had a twinge in her knee, she pulled out. You're dying and won't pull out. How do you feel about that situation?

MARAT SAFIN: I'm very happy being in Miami. (Laughter.) Spending time, at least I can spend some time on the beach, not on the tennis court. So if you want to know, I'm telling you all the time why I came here, ask questions for ATP, okay?

Q. What were you expecting out of this year? You go back to January, you say, "We're starting over." What in your mind was your expectation?

MARAT SAFIN: I mean, in Australia if I go back to January, I mean, of course it's difficult. I didn't expect big results from Australia because I had a very long year. We finished the season second or third week of -- second week of December. I have two weeks of rest, you have no time for preparation for next season. You're not 100 percent. I wasn't 100 percent in Australia. I still make fourth round, but is nothing actually. And of course I was getting better and better, I start to play better and better. Then I get injured. So from the point where could be like in Top 10, fighting for No. 1, you know, in the Race, now I'm 18 just because of two tournaments. And it's make difference, you know. Now I'm out of shape, out of confidence. If I will not be injured during the bye, probably I would be close, you know, three, four, fighting for No. 1. Now I am out of game, and I'm little bit disappointed because all these things are happening to me with ATP.

Q. So do you think Venus Williams is a good example to be set, where if you're hurt, no pressure can force you to play? If you play when you're hurt, you can get hurt more?

MARAT SAFIN: Yeah, right.

Q. Then you're not in vie for the race of the Top 10.

MARAT SAFIN: Yeah, it's, you know, it's different story. You don't compare me to Venus.

Q. I'm just saying about a stand, "I'm not playing if I'm hurt. That's it."

MARAT SAFIN: They will give you answer why.

Q. I'm asking you.

MARAT SAFIN: I don't want to talk about this, these things because -- not because I have nothing against you. Just -- it's not -- the thing that I think ATP, if they have enough balls to tell -- to talk about this, they gonna say. If they don't have balls, so... One day you know it.

Q. If you had to do it over, would you play?


Q. Would you play hurt again?

MARAT SAFIN: No. I hope not.

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