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September 8, 2016

Kevin Na

Carmel, Indiana

Q. Solid round, 69. Good opening. Some general thoughts on the first round and how different did the course play after the delay.
KEVIN NA: It played definitely different. The greens were a little bit slower, the course was playing a little longer, and the rough was a lot more juicy with the wet grass. I played pretty well overall, I played great on the front and I got it to 5-under and I let a couple slip away on the back nine, but the back nine's a tougher nine.

Q. On back side, was it just a matter of maybe keeping the putter hot? It seemed you made everything. On the back it looked good, but just didn't find the bottom.
KEVIN NA: I putted really well all the way up to number 14. And then 15 I hit my first bad putt of the day and I missed it right.

Then on 17 I actually hit a good putt, so that one I'm not too worried about. But yeah I felt like I left one out there.

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