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August 17, 2016
Cincinnati, Ohio
S. HALEP/A. Beck
6-3, 6-1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. That was good. Did you feel rusty at the start or feel sort of confident from the getgo?
SIMONA HALEP: I felt confident. I feel confident. I had pretty good tournaments before coming here and I feel my game.
But was tough a little bit at the beginning because we didn't have the chance to practice like we do every day.
But it was okay. I just adjusted very well the game after those five games, and was better.
Q. Pretty relieved that you actually got your game out of the way? The weather has been a huge factor this week.
SIMONA HALEP: Yeah, but I practice every day. I had the chance before the rain also yesterday, so all was good.
But is not easy to wait, to be unsure when you play. Yeah, but for everyone is the same. I don't want to complain.
Q. What are you typically doing during a delay?
SIMONA HALEP: Waiting. Nothing special. Making jokes with the team. I don't listen music anymore. I don't know. I change that. Yeah, nothing special. Boring stuff.
Q. You don't watch anything on Netflix?
Q. You don't do anything?
SIMONA HALEP: Just in the gym I slept today. When I arrived here I slept one hour on the couch. Was good. Yeah, made me ready to play. (Smiling.)
Q. Have you talked to anybody, any other players, about what Rio was like or what their experiences were like?
SIMONA HALEP: I asked few players. The answers were half and half. But I think you have just to take the special moment from there that is Olympics and not thinking too much about the conditions.
I think was great experience for everyone who went there.
Q. Did you get to see anybody's medals?
SIMONA HALEP: No. Who's here? Just -- ah, Kerber. I just saw and I congratulated her, but I didn't ask about her medal.
And Monica Puig is not here, no? And even who's the third one?
Q. Murray's got his here.
SIMONA HALEP: Oh, I didn't see him.
Q. First round, opening round, everybody always says the first match at any tournament is the toughest of the week.
SIMONA HALEP: It's, yeah.
Q. So how do you rate how you played?
SIMONA HALEP: I played pretty well today. I felt the game and the balls were a little bit heavier because of the rain and the humidity. But it was good for me.
Actually, I was a little bit nervous before the match because I had two weeks after without matches. Always, like anyone says, it's tough, the first match of the tournament. Now I'm more relaxed and I'm looking already forward to the next one.
Q. You've had a consistent set of records here in Cincinnati, and this tournament is bit unique because of the speed of the court, the timing.
SIMONA HALEP: The balls.
Q. Balls, all that sort of stuff. What is it about the adjustments you've made to get consistency here?
SIMONA HALEP: I came earlier. I came Wednesday or Thursday. That help me a lot to play today because I have many days to prepare.
I like these courts. I like that they're faster a little bit and the ball is a bit heavier. I like these conditions. It's hot and it's pretty good because I don't have back pain. When it's cold I have back pain and it's tough for me to play.
Yeah, always good here. We are waiting to see how it's going to work this tournament for anyone.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
