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August 15, 2016

Catriona Matthew

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Q. So how does it feel to finally be here at the Olympic golf course?
CATRIONA MATTHEW: Yeah, great to be here. Been here a few days, so I've been to a few different things and now looking forward to obviously the golf starting. Watched a little bit of Justin yesterday and that was amazing. Hopefully we can do the same as him.

Q. So how inspiring was it to see him win the Gold Medal?
CATRIONA MATTHEW: Fantastic. He obviously played well all week, and you know, to have such a tight finish with him and Henrik was great for golf.

Q. And how different do you feel? Do you feel any different to like any other tournament? What is the difference?
CATRIONA MATTHEW: I suppose definitely it's a little different. I suppose just being in the village. Having Jamie here looking after us. But it's just, I suppose, all the other sports that are ranked here makes a difference.

Q. What have you been to see?
CATRIONA MATTHEW: I've been to the athletics and the tennis.

Q. What's been the highlight so far?
CATRIONA MATTHEW: Apart from Justin, we saw Murray win and Mo Farah, so we've seen some good things. Now we're concentrating more on golf.

Q. How do you rate your own chances of success on this golf course?
CATRIONA MATTHEW: Obviously I would say I've got a good chance. Played well at Woburn, so in good form. You've got to go in with high hopes.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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