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July 29, 2016

Stacy Lewis

Woburn, England

Q. How do you like your position?
STACY LEWIS: I like it a lot. Especially making the turn, I wasn't really in a good place. Kind of rallied on the back and made three birdies to give myself a chance this weekend. I like where I am. Usually in these things, if you can get out there and post a number, that's usually what wins.

Q. Tell me about the scoring so far, we've seen the spectacular 62 and a 65, it does show you what's possible?
STACY LEWIS: Oh, for sure. The golf course is a lot softer and slower, so you could make some birdies. But I think the hole locations today were a little bit tougher in general, so you're not going to see the 62 like we did yesterday. But you can make birdies. You have enough wedges in; if you can just make pars on the harder holes, a good number is out there.

Q. After two competitive rounds on this course, for you, which club in the bag needs to be firing the best?
STACY LEWIS: Oh, gosh, it's probably the wedges, honestly. You're going to have to make birdies. And so the wedges just need to be spot on going into this weekend.

Q. It's two years since your last victory; are you inching ever closer?
STACY LEWIS: I feel like over the last couple weeks, I've played some really good golf. That's what ultimately leads to wins is playing good, and you know, the game is getting to where I'm starting to trust it again, and when you trust it and you can hit it under pressure, you know you're in a good spot.

Q. We talk about the Olympics, and there's been a lot of the guys that are not going to go; but how important a prospect is it for women's golf?
STACY LEWIS: I think it's a big deal. I think the biggest thing is golf gets funding because it's an Olympic sport in a lot of countries where golf has not been introduced yet.

And so I think it's a big deal we're in the Olympics. I think it's huge for the top players to support it. You know, I'm so excited about it; to be an Olympian and to represent your country, there's no greater honor, and I can't wait to get to Rio.

Q. You're right up there at 7-under par total, how nice was it playing a golf course so well as you did?
STACY LEWIS: Well, it was nice playing well. I kind of struggled a little bit in the middle of the round but was able to rally there on the back nine to get myself within a couple of the lead going into the weekend. In a major, that's what you want. You just want to hang around and see what happens.

Q. A lot of people have spoken about the golf course not being a typical style of a British Open and perhaps playing a bit shorter than many people expected for Woburn golf course; how have you had to adapt the type of shots you're hitting here this week?
STACY LEWIS: I'd say it's more like a Canadian Open than a British Open. It's not a British Open; it's a completely different golf course. It's a course you can be aggressive on and you can make birdies on.

It is a bit short, but I think it's led to some great golf. I think it's led to some great scores. Any time we can showcase how good these ladies are on this tour I think is a great thing.

Q. You've been playing alongside Ariya the last two days and she's been playing incredibly well and you spoke yesterday about her giving you a bit of momentum, realizing early on that you've got to be aggressive playing with someone like her. Was that the case again today?
STACY LEWIS: Yeah, for sure. She definitely showed me yesterday what's possible on this golf course. And so I love playing with her. Just to watch her hit the ball is amazing. Just the different shots that she can hit, it's just really fun for me to watch.

Q. And lastly, you've played so many consecutive weeks, I think the most you have in your career. How are you feeling? Are you going to be fresh going into the weekend?
STACY LEWIS: I don't know if fresh is the word. I'm exhausted. But I'm counting on the days. I've got two more rounds and when I'm on the golf course, I'm going to give it 100 percent.

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